Ulog 52: intense

This week has been intense. One thing comes after another and without even realizing it the weekdays are over and I am looking at the weekend and stuff have been completed up to snuff.

Sometimes I wish you can clone yourself like the movie so that each of you can complete a task and then it all comes back together at night. Otherwise it would be weird seeing multiple versions of yourself walking around. That would be rough. Don’t you think?

Tomorrow I will be going to my little God Brother’s weddding. I can’t believe he’s getting married. When I was a teenager he was just born. I remember carrying him in my side because he was so small. Now he’s a big boy. Oh my how things have quickly changed. Now he’s adult and ready to start a new life with his future bride. It seems that life passes by very quickly. Such is the case now.

My wife can’t attend the wedding with me. She has to cover calls for the hospital again. She tried to switch around with one of her colleagues but it didn’t work out and now she can’t do it. So she has been stuck to the task unfortunately. That means that I will be going to the wedding with my older daughter. However, that may be in jeopardy as well. Last night at 1am in the morning, I was awakened to hear something along the line of “Mommy, I can’t sleep.” The next thing I know, I saw this blurry projectile coming out of my daughter mouth and onto my wife’s whole face. I wear glasses and when I sleep l, I take them off (obviously) so I didn’t see everything exactly. I went to put the glasses on and the whole bed was filled with vomit. My wife’s whole head was covered in vomit. My wife and I ended up have to change the entire bed and she has to go take a shower and cleared some of that nasty stuff from her ear even. It wasn’t pleasant. Today, my daughter still hasn’t fully recovered from whatever stomach virus that caused her condition. So depending on how that goes, she may not be well enough to go to the wedding tomorrow. We will know for sure later on tomorrow.

For now, good night and don’t let the bed bugs bite!

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