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Ulog - Do not ask for more but do not agree either

It's amazing as human beings we still think that there are people who can be just like us, or that they can act as we want, but we forget that each head is a world, sometimes we see potentials in other people that even they can not see themselves, and It is for that reason that we decided to give you a "vote of confidence", sometimes and for the most part we are wrong.

First of all people will never act as we want, and if they do not believe in themselves, why should we believe in them? Or even worse because we expect something from someone does not have the ability to give us or because inside is not willing to give, I think that is the most serious.

Is that after waiting so much of the other person and it does not turn out to be what we expected or wanted, comes the other side of the coin, comes compliance, we began accepting things that we really did not want or that at one time we expected more, and this only It happens with the intention that the other person remains.

I am one of those people who says that the body is where it wants, if someone does not want to be, it's time to let it go, I dare say that you had to let it go, but out of fear or anything else it keeps you tied.

Be free, enjoy and live life with the person who is able to give you everything you want without you thinking about it.
