[ ulog ] The cultivation of organic celery in polybags

Cultivation of celery is very suitable to be done on the plateau with an altitude of 1000-1200 meters from sea level. But this plant is still tolerant grown in the lowlands. This plant is less resistant to high rainfall.

The preferred type of soil in celery cultures is loose soil and contains a lot of organic matter. This plant grows well at soil pH level of 5.5-6.5. If the soil is too acidic, add lime or dolomite.

How to grow celery

There are two ways to grow celery: generative propagation (from seed) and vegetative propagation (from seedlings). Generative propagation is usually applied to wide-scale cultivation of celery or commercially. For the scale cultivation of yard like in pot or polybag, vegetative propagation is easier to do.

Cultivation of celery
Perform watering every morning and afternoon until the plants are one week old. After that the frequency of watering is done 2-3 times a week. Depending on weather conditions, keep the media not too muddy or dry.

For the cultivation of organic celery the provision of liquid organic fertilizer is very effective given as follow-up fertilizer. Liquid organic fertilizers are widely sold in farm shops in various brands, or can be self-made. Please read how to make liquid organic fertilizer. In addition to liquid fertilizer can also be used compost fertilizer, manure or biological fertilizer.

Dilute liquid organic fertilizer before splashing on the plant. Usually 10 ml of liquid fertilizer is diluted with 1 liter of water before use. For more specific follow the instructions contained in the packaging of the fertilizer. Pour fertilizer that has been diluted with a dose of 100 ml per polybag. Frequency of fertilization is done every 1-2 weeks.

The cultivation of celery in pots or polybags is actually relatively rarely affected by pests or diseases. But on the cultivation of celery wide-scale attack many encountered. Nothing wrong we know the types of pests and diseases.

There are several pests that are often encountered in celery culturing. Some of them are ground worms, snails, lice and tunggau. The pests can be eradicated by hand-picked. Especially for planting in polybags.

While the types of cultured celery disease is cercospora, septoria spots and yellow daisies virus. To avoid the attacks of these diseases, do early prevention. Prevention is done since the selection of seeds, maintaining good garden sanitation and fertilization.

If the onslaught of the disease is high, it can be sprayed with organic pesticides. Please read about disease control with organic pesticides.

Regards @lifesteem

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