Ulog part 029 the most beautiful memories are remembering childhood



Childhood is the happiest time. It is truly an unforgettable memory. When it's time we have my friends, playing every day playing, chasing and more commonly done in childhood. Therefore in welcoming the NATIONAL CHILDREN Day adcalture incorporated in adcadesign group wants to revive the life of Indonesian children in the past.

For that adcalture will discuss about the life of Indonesian children in the past.

In the present life many children who prefer to be at home and more happy on the existing visual games on the computer or game console, there are even those who never play outside like children who naturally. This is actually something that is misunderstood by parents. Children who prefer in the house is not a good thing, because children are not encouraged to develop physically and mentally and socialize the environment to produce children who do not care about the environment.


Actually a lot of game activity that is very supportive of children's development and even activities occasionally came from people's games that Indonesian children do in ancient times. Many ancient games are very fun to play like a castle, hide and seek, gatrik, stones seven, Gobak Sodor and crank and more.

Traditional children's games that until now may still be played by children although we rarely see. These games are good for kids today, not like the visual games on computers and console games. Thus in commemorating the National Children's Day it is expected that we can direct Indonesian children to play with the appropriate game.



Success to #ulog and #esteem
Best regard @good-karma and @surpassinggoogle

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