Ulog 52: My Pasta Style / Lazy vs. Hardworking

Deep down in my heart, I daily wish I am a superhero mama who never run out of strength. Truth to be told, I am so limited. Sometimes, when the long lists of plans are lined up properly, the very next day, you are hooked by an unexplainable exhaustion.

Just the other day, when I was super duper tired, I became lazier to cook properly. Ended up everything from can or processed. See below for the evidence of remarkable tiredness. Did I feel guilty? Yes. But I also acknowledged that I had tried my best to bring food to the table. So it was just linguine pasta with the pre-made sauce and steamed sausage. Of course not to omit steamed broccoli for feel-good meal. Haha! =)

Lazy Pasta


Then, then another day, when I felt more rested, all of a sudden, there was that rush of "come on, let's try your best mama gene" gushed out and out of no where came the zeal to cook better pasta. Sautéed the salmon first, then steamed some broccoli and carrots. However, I still use pre-made sauce with addition of some fresh tomatoes and mushrooms. Sprinkled some cheese, and the whole plate of pasta looked more pleasant visually. At least to my mama's expectation in terms of nutrients.

Hardworking Pasta


Throughout my years of being a mom, I have learn to set the standard bar higher but at the same time not to be too hard on myself. I have accepted the fact that as much as I want to be a perfect mom, I still hold some imperfection because I am merely a human who is subjected to tiredness and physical illness. And I have learned that it is okay to rest. It is okay to slow down. It is okay to pack food from outside. It is okay to sometimes eat food from the can. As long as I know I am trying my best, and I love my family and home, that matters! Dear mamas, don't beat yourself up if you don't have it all together at times. ❤️ You are still the best for your children and family. Hugs!

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