Forgiveness is Freedom (2)

I used to hold grudges, malice and guilt so strongly in my heart for months spanning years towards offenders. It got to a point when those grudges turned hate, jealousy and envy for them if I sight them; heard of their successes and would rejoice when evil or misfortune befalls them. I lived a life full of negative weights which only made me worse turning me into a masochist - one who derived pleasure from people's pain. I would be on the lookout for those pains and if there was none, I would create one by making them fall in trouble with others or destroy whatever relationships they have. Soon, my friends began drifting away from me because I was poisonous and toxic and no one could satisfy me either for my rebellion and authoritativeness. I was ALONE!.

Unforgiveness breeds anger, hatred, envy, jealousy and finally loneliness. It takes away happiness as it makes the offended concentrate on the activities of the offender indirectly and slowly turning one into masochism. A heart full of grudge is never at peace...never at peace. Learn to forgive and let joy fill your hearts.


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