Ulog 11 : books books amd books

As a child, I got into the habit of reading during second grade when my aunt would forced me to read. That is something I have to thank her for, as it introduced me to a whole new world. Singapore was also a wonderful place for booklovers, there are libraries everywhere and bookstores too. Even at school, we had to read a book for 15 minutes before marching to our classes.

So when I got back to Surabaya, I was very shocked and dissapointed that there is only one public library. This was nearly teo decade ago and I have to say that the government still did not improve this aspect. Naturally book rentals appear everywhere and at first they were just renting comic books but now they hv a collection of novels too.

The reading culture in Indonesia is just that bad, but there are still people who loves to read. Thankfully for the past few years Big Bad Wolf has visited my city every year. It is an event where they sell millions of books with a cheaper price. This year however, the number of fiction books are little and I kinda feel sad about it. I still managed to get some good non fiction books tho.


These are the three books that I bought, there are also variois kind of interesting books. But I do hope that next year they will restock more fiction books. I really want a set of Percy Jackson.


I spent arpund 3 hours here and when I was done my legs hurt from standing too much, but it was really fun.


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