ULOG (HOWTO): Bud Sweet Orange on Rough Lemon (Contd)

As usual, mondays are always hectic and work filled for everyone. For me, it was quite easy since i have prepared and scheduled my activites.

Yesterday, i introduced the process i will use to bud a sweet orange on a rough melon stock.

Those that are not familliar with agricultural terms should please kindly do a light seacrh on google for proper understanding

Since i have already gotten the budding wood / scion yesterday, i kicked off immediately today.

The first stage was to cut out a green portion from the budding wood, in an almost squared shape with a budding knife as shown below.

Ensure that where the cut is made is a point where a new leaf can sprout.


This cut out is then removed seperately.


Next is to make an inverted T cut on the stock plant stem, which is the
which is the rough lemon plant in this case.


Then carefully the cut out from the budding wood is inserted in the inverted T shape, exposing the point ( node) where new leaf could sprout area as shown.


This joint is then tied carefully with a nylon with the sprouting point exposed


This will be left alone while we check everyday and see if any new leaf will come out of the exposed node.

Thank you as you stay tuned, while i update.

This post was made from https://ulogs.org

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