The Defenders Episode 7 Review – No Spoilers

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Just when I think this show is getting better, it falls into the trap of lazy writing. The episode started out great. There is a small time gap between the last episode and this one so there are a few things that audiences need to figure out. Our heroes are in trouble, the kind where they need to use their brains to figure their way out. However, they still manage to get out using their fists. The moral lessons were a bit cliché. Also, this show makes the police look really bad, from incompetent to standing in the way, this is bad PR.

They also does not know how to use Jessica Jones. Other than some sarcastic remarks and alcoholism, this show does not get her. She’s the detective, she should be figuring things out, not being led around or letting others figure it out.

Also, I don’t get Elektra or her point. There is an unnecessary flashback that tries to explain her, but fails in my opinion. Honestly, I hope she dies in the finale episode and it will not be Matt who kills her, because that will also be a cliché.

The hand again has proven that they are not a serious threat, but rather just an annoyance.

Still this episode had its good moments as well. The best by far is the fighting sequences at the end. It was very entertaining, and it was fun to see our heroes go all out. Also, Madame Gao is super fun and I feel she is the best villain in this show. There were some funny moments that made me laugh out loud. I felt that it was a fun and entertaining episode, but not on the level of an episode before the finale should be.

It’s a real shame the episode ended with a cliché. It would have been so much better without it, or if it was done differently. But, I could see it coming a mile away. It was just bad and lazy writing. It’s never good to finish an episode with a none-plot twist that just leaves you disappointed, without it, it would have been a rather good episode.

I give it an 7/10.

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