Netflix- Worth the Watch: The Ranch

Gooday Steemers!

Do you guys remember That's 70 show from back in the day? Well the same actors from That 70 show, Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson, both ended up on a netflix original series called The Ranch. I just started watching season 1 and it is extremely funny. I'll probably end up binge watching the rest of the show throughout the day!

I never really gave netflix original series any consideration before, but they are just as good if not better than shows that air on TV. I highly recommend checking it out if you have a netflix membership. If you don't have one I'm sure there is other ways u can find to watch the show (hint hint ;p).

Anyhow, to be brief, the show involves a family of ranchers and takes us through the ups and downs of their lifestyle. Language can get inappropriate at times so don't watch this with your children! I don't want to spoil anything so I encourage everyone to check it out on their own!

Here's the promo image for the show:

If you end up watching the show, let me know what you think!

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