Meet the Sea Turtle in Caribbean Sea Scuba Diving with Sea Turtle in Cozumel

Meet the Sea Turtle

Meet the Sea Turtle in Caribbean Sea Scuba Diving with Sea Turtle in Cozumel
Sea turtles sometimes called marine turtles, are reptiles of the order Testudines. The seven extant species of sea turtles are: the green, loggerhead, Kemp's ridley, olive ridley, hawksbill, flatback, and leatherback.

The Caribbean Sea is one of the most beautiful bodies of water in the world,

home to warm turquoise waters, colorful coral and an amazing array of flora and fauna. One of the most majestic creatures inhabiting these waters is the exquisite sea turtle, and connecting with them through swimming or preservation is often a highlight of trips to the region. Our experts in the Caribbean have provided us with valuable information on the best ways and places to interact with these magical animals, all the while respecting them and their natural habitats, most importantly.

Turtles have actually existed for more than 200 million years,

dating back to the era of the dinosaur. As their flippers made them natural swimmers, they evolved into a cross between amphibian and reptile. While this helped them endure the ice age, today many varieties, including various types of sea turtles, are endangered and risk extinction. This is mainly due to the actions of humans either directly on their habitats or stemming from larger environmental issues like climate change. Therefore, it is important to follow these general guidelines when swimming or interacting with sea turtles:

Do not touch nor feed them

Keep a few feet away from them whether you’re in the water or on land
Do not swim close to them (nor the reefs), as this can cause great stress
Do not damage or destroy the vegetation, and remember that shoreline vegetation is essential for preventing beach erosion and stabilizing dunes

Do not anchor in coral or sea grass beds, but use moorings where provided or select sandy areas

Do not purchase any turtle mean or jewelry and other adornments using their shells
Please be kind, gentle and respectful
There are several local and international associations which promote the well-being and preservation of sea turtles. Some of these are listed below or there a lot of valuable information can also be found on website
With these rules in mind, it’s time to sport your mask and snorkel and start exploring on one of these exceptional beaches, cays and islands below.

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