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Tumblr is dying, it might not be that bad.

When I first started using Tumblr, it was all fun and interactions. But after a couple of years, I decided to create a new acoount. After making the new account, all that good stuff from the first went away. A liniar amount of followers, no interactions, and once a full monn, someone follows me, but they are a porn blog account. But I didn't have any porn, and at worst, it were erotic non revealing pictures.

Then, yahoo took over. First that they did, is remove all the porn, even the questional ones. The they returned it after the backlash. Then they tried to do it again, but made it hard to find a way to see nsfw content, but the button wqs there to turn it on, just conviniently not visible.

Now, they got some complaints about having too mutch porn and they had to remove their apps from the stores. They also now straight up banned porn and erotic stuff in their search engine. You can still see the blogs, but not find it if you are looking for them. You have to know their link already to be able to see it.

Conclusion. They are obviously trying to sensor their platform until it becomes only attractive for gays and children, don't ask. They try to sensor, get backlash, and when people forget, they try it again. Just keep trying untill they accept.

My actions. I will be saving all my likes and cool reblogs from there, before they die, and then slowly stop using their platform. And I might even post my reblogs on here, maybe.