The enigma of the giant tuba


Those of you following me for some time will already be aware of my theories on how humans were bigger in the past and while I am not interested in going over my evidence for this today, I am interested to take a quick look specifically at this giant tuba which is so big it requires a second person to hold it up. Call me crazy but it does rather seem as if this instrument was built for someone much bigger.

Currently on display at a music shop in New York we are told it is the biggest tuba in the world, built "around 120 years ago". Doesn't it seem odd that the creation date for something so magnificent would be left to an approximate? Personally I would say it is much older than this and as always we are being 'protected' from the truth with lies to keep us off the scent of old advanced civilisations and giant humans.

If indeed humans really were bigger in the past there would be many of these kind of instruments still in existence. Unless of course our controllers were somehow able to make us fearful enough to destroy them willingly in the past.


We are told the NY tuba is one of a kind, yet in just ten mins of digging I was able to find this poster from WW2 which speaks for itself and I am wondering now how many other giant brass instruments would have been destroyed in this way? Knowing full well (based on current day experiences) the effectiveness of fear generated psychosis I would say we destroyed most of them at this time.

But one survived to tell its story and the enigma of the giant tuba remains.

The mystery does not end here however. We also have lithographs and drawings which boggle the mind.

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And if you thought that was big, take a look at this one!

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The sousaphone historian who wrote the article from which all these lithographs & drawings are taken cannot get his head around the size of the above instrument and concludes that it is not shown to its true scale. From my perspective a rather weak explanation.

He does however go on to say this about the following sausaphone:

I wonder what that sucker weighed?! Can you imagine carrying it around?!

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I have personally felt the weight of a standard sized sausaphone and I can tell you one would have to be incredibly strong to walk with this, let alone play it at the same time.

Be in no doubt, instruments were bigger in the past and so too were the humans they were made for.

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Just a quick one today. Would be interested to hear your thoughts on this.

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