Three Tune Tuesday, The Roaring 80's / Re-Blog lottery for a chance to win 3 HSBI!

Artist: Patrick Nigel

The 1980's are often described as the decade of excess. The fashion and music was over the top. While the late 80's was ruled by hard rock hair bands (great music that I love!), the early part of the decade is often referred to as the second English music invasion. The first of course was The Beatles and Rolling Stones, but the second was led by new wave bands like Depeche Mode, The Cure, and of course Duran Duran.

Duran Duran are a band that was formed in Birmingham, England in 1978 by band members John Taylor and Nick Rhodes. They took their inspiration for the band name for the sci fi film "Barbarella". One of the characters in the film is Dr. Durand Durand, and so the band was born. They went through line up changes as all bands do. They picked up Roger Taylor (drummer) and Andy Taylor (guitar) along the way, none are related. They finally came together as a band when they hired Simon Le Bon as their front man and history was born.

MTV was really in it's infancy in the early 80's, trying to play all music all the time. They were two weeks old when Duran Duran's first video "Girls On Film" video had recently been produced; full of women mud wrestling, pillow fighting, and full of sexual fetish fantasies. The band felt it would be played in hip clubs and the Playboy Channel and get people talking about them. MTV loved the music but not the video, so to make the video playable on television in the US they had to do extensive editing. But it was a perfect match for the fledgling station. Duran Duran's story telling video style influences music videos through the decade and beyond. Not to mention they were asked to create the theme song for a James Bond movie, "A View To A Kill."

I got the idea for today's Three Tune Tuesday from @tengolotodo sharing some great Duran Duran tunes. But I though I would add a few just for fun. Make sure to check out his post after mine. Thanks to @ablaze for sponsoring TTT!

This first song I have always liked because it has a great strong bass line, strong guitar, and is much darker and harder than most songs that came from Duran Duran. It's one of my favorites by them: "Carless Memories"

I hope you liked the first one, next moving onto a timeless classic "Hungry Like The Wolf". It's a song I think almost all of us have heard several times to say the least. In this video you can see how the band's story telling style was perfect for MTV. It played over and over on the station, because it's a great tune with a great video, take a look:

Last up I probably would have gone with some harder edged songs but @tengolotodo already picked up a couple of them. But this song and video show's them at their peak of fame and were one of the biggest bands in the world at the time, "New Moon On Monday".

Success always comes at a price. Bassist John Taylor and guitarist Andy Taylor both became addicted to cocaine and alcohol. Pressures of touring and songwriting forced the band to take a hiatus to recover from the non stop pace they were living. When they eventually restarted they were three band members light leaving only Le Bon and Rhodes to continue on. The did finally regroup in the early 2000's. The were inducted into the Rock Hall of Fame this year and the original five members are writing yet another album.

Thanks for taking time to stop by and read/listen to my post. If you have any comments or questions please feel free to comment below.



Now for the winner of the re-blog lottery! The people who re-blogged were: @blitzzzz @ekavieka @florakese @dfreitesp @gasaeightyfive @ladymisa @marcocasario @matthew1 @olaf.gui @shasta @trautenberk @vaynard86 @yecier

Thanks everyone! It really helps my engagement which I'm working hard to improve! If you have any recommendations or suggestions please feel free to let me know.

And the Wheel of Names results:

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Congratulations @marcocasario
I just sent over the funds for your 3 HBI units!

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Now for today's re-blog lottery! You just need to re-blog my post you will be placed on the Wheel of Names for a spin to possibly win 3 HBI units! Just one prize for the lucky winner. Bots aren't allowed to enter please. Contest ends when I publish my next post which should be tomorrow. If I somehow missed you please let me know and I'll add you to the next draw.

Good luck to everyone!

What are HBI units? They are units that you can purchase to sponsor someone and you in turn receive a unit as well. This way we both benefit! They give you occasional upvotes on your posts for a lifetime, and the more you accumulate the more often you receive upvotes and the bigger they can be. You can read some more here:


If you have more questions feel free to ask.


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