uncomfortable truths that need discussion!

♣♣♣ TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!! ♣♣♣

If you are easily triggered or offended block me and do not read my post!

this is a discussion for the big kids so go play with your dollys and leave us alone!

if you disagree with anything I say please leave me a comment on what i was wrong about.
yelling out racist or biggot is not an argument and will be ignored.
please supply logic, reason and facts not feelings..............

So now that we can talk openly I would like to say growing up in America in the 80's I did not think the world was racist. up Until about 5 years ago if you would have said to me that America had a race problem I would have cracked up and said you are crazy. The only racist people I had ever witnessed were old people or kids making jokes that are only funny because you said something you were told to never say. still to this day I only have one white friend I consider family, most the other people I care about are not white. its not that I don't like white people, its just not who I grew up around.

i now see I was an idiot voting for Obama. I say that because I was once ignorant and willing to vote someone into office based only on the color of his skin. I actually thought that not voting for him was racist because "it was time to get a black guy in office to stop racism". Im sure everyone can see how race relationships have been the last couple years. in my opinion they are only giting worse.

I feel the best way for everyone to advance is to talk about it and I have no problem with talking about race. I am constantly calling people out on comments not because they made a racist statement, more because they say they hate racist people but make racist comments too. its funny to me to be honest. calling the kettle black (not a pun)!

You have to be the change in this world that you want to see made reality. or that is how I feel about it.

Most white people are afraid to talk about race because they are scared of getting called a racist. I have seen many of friends shut down people just by calling them racist. or they lack the general knowledge of social issues affecting people that grow up in poor areas. I think that if we, as a collective, open up the conversation to those not directly impacted by social barriers, we as a whole would benefit greatly from it.

I would like to post some uncomfortable facts that I think we all need to take into account. I also want to say thies are just numbers, they do not take in variables like bad schooling, single parent homes, poverty or anything. they are just the facts. I think it is the variables are the big distortion. people and individual cases should be evaluated on a separate basis but in order to find patterns we have to go for the full population. I guess I'm saying the exception to the rule does not negate the rule and all that #notall crap people pull.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Now on to the uncomfortable zone!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

FACT 1: The number of guns in America has doubled since 1993, in the same time gun homicide has dropped in half.
FACT 2: Black males make up less then 7% of the USA population but commit 56% of all robbery's and 53% of all murder.
Source: FBI Crime in America 2013 Database
FACT 3 : black people are 33% more likely to be detained over white people facing felony trial.
FACT 4 : Despite black males only makin up 7% of the USA population they commit 1 in 3 rapes.
Source: FBI Crime in America 2013 Report
FACT 5: Young black men kill 14X more then young white men.
Source: Time Magazine
FACT 6: 50% of all homicide victims are black people.
FACT 7: 42% of all cop killers are black.
FACT 8: 93% of black homicide victims were killed by other blacks, 84% of white homicide victims were killed by other whites.
FACT 9: in a 2006 report, 40% of the prison population was black despite being only 12% of the total USA population.
FACT 10: in a 2009 report, 2 out of 3 people receiving life sentences were of color.
FACT 11: black males born in 2001 have a 32% chance of going to jail in his life time.
FACT 12: white males born in 2001 have a 6% chance of going to jail in his lifetime.
FACT 13: 51% of Americans show anti-black prejudice, up from 48% in 2008.


♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥they are just words! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

reports show that almost 50% of americans under 18 are not white. it projects a reversal in the population where by 2030, the majority of people under 18 will be of color and by 2042 nonwhites will be the majority of the USA population. so if we all just moved on we will all become a matching color of gray.

I would love to hear from the steemit community on how they feel about it all. I cant wait to hear from you all and am ready to have an amazing conversation in the comments section. I obviously cant even scratch the surface of the race problems but we all have to start our 10k mile journey with the first step. 8D

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