Chills Down Ones Spine - In 2012 If a Person Said.... That Person Would've Been "A Tinfoil Hatter"!

Imagine if in 2012 a person, any person out there, took The Holy Bible and then looked at all the options available in society then came up with a "flu like virus, vaccines that aren't vaccines, mandates (conscripted jabs), politicians/kings of the world in cahoots and a list of other things that are all around us today in 2022?

What are the chances of that person being accepted as a good analyst of Prophecy (warnings)?


What are the chances of that person not being declared a "tinfoil hatter" aka "conspiracy theorist?

Easy enough to look at events that have past and to fit them into Prophecy.

But to call it 7 to 10 years in advance! Yes, prior to the events taking place! To the last dot. Dotted the i's and crossed the t's. All too precise in every last little detail.

Now, idk about you, but when I saw this video, chills ran down my spine.

Personally, I am one of those people who try to read the signs and events of the times, then see if they in any way could comply with Prophecy.

So when someone about a decade ago says "this is the only way this can go down" and it is literally happening as we speak, seven to ten years later, that is a little much for anyone to comprehend and understand. Especially when the main piece of information and intel is from books written 2000 all the way to some 4000 years ago.
Now that, that is something that rarely anyone on this planet can fathom.

Plus then, to add to all the "conspiracy theory" revolving around this one person, from 2012, is that this person dies when "hospitalized" during those exact events, by those administering the "treatment" for the sickness described and defined in detail 8 years earlier.

Now, some may say "humbug", some may say "I knew that", but none of that changes the fact that it all fits in and that part is what way too many people simply do not want to even try and look at and understand.

Rejection, denial and outright arrogance, the "me, myself and I" mentality that so many humans suffer from. Self proclaimed gods.

Well, guess what!

I didn't write The Holy Bible, nor did I see the above video ever before and when I did, chills went down my spine. I don't claim to "know", I share information to others so that they may research things themselves and if that information "offends" someones "feelings" because it doesn't align up to their "self proclaimed deity", well that isn't my problem!


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