Trump Wants To Use Trident Missiles & Neutron Bombs!
Russian President Vladimir Putin, among others, warned that the project would increase the danger of accidental nuclear war. "The launch of such a missile could ... provoke a full-scale counterattack using strategic nuclear forces," Putin said in May 2006

Trump has intent to use Trident Missiles on Al-Raqqa. These are 1000 kiloton bombs with multiple MIRV's! If THIS DOESN'T SCARE THE SH!T OUT OF YOU! IT SHOULD! Trump also said he wants to use more 'portable' nuclear devices, well Neutron Bombs are VERY PORTABLE! They can be launched using a Lance Missile or an Artillery Shell! Neutron Bombs were called the Capitalist Bomb by the USSR! That's because they kill off life while leaving buildings intact! The Neutron Bomb is the ULTIMATE Dirty Bomb!

The FACTS are Nuclear Devices are the Ultimate WMD! If Trump uses ANY Nuke, we will become a 'Global Pariah'...NOT to mention a Target For retaliation! There is absolutely NO D@MNED WAY we should let him NEAR our arsenal!

It's all right here! Give it a 'read' I DID! The video is of neutron devices used in Yemen!

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