Episode 820

Full Metal Ox Day 755
Renaissance Year Episode 820

Political False Flags

Another insane week and now it's time to relax over the weekend. We can look back and laugh and analyze. I think we witnessed a new tactic this week. More about it inside. Also did you catch the body lingo when Xi met Putin? We're living in exciting times. We didn't get to Israel and France and their respective leaders' dictatorial aspirations, but in any media analyst or presenter in the west, or anywhere compare Netanyahu or Macron to Adolph and his 1933 power grab? Not bloody likely.
Exotic leg day in the gym with lots of commentary. You'll love it.
And one more thing. This is a very long term series. Don't bail just because you disagree with a position or observation. It might change or yours might change. Hang in there. Enjoy the weekend.

Free Audiobook link in these notes. Enjoy. Subscribe. Share. Like. Don't freak out!

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Interview with Dr. Mark Bailey
(Viruses don't exist.)

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Million dollar Monday fund raiser.




Audiobook of the Month Club:
March book: Psycho-Cybernetics
This is probably one of the oldest self help books. Originally published in 1960 and updated & expanded for modern times. If you've ever read a self help book you may recognize some of what's included in this book. Very worthy for our chaotic era.

Library links.
Seymour Hersh substack

A pretty good description of fifth generation warfare.

Important history regarding vaxxines:

The End of Germ Theory

YouTube: The Fitness Journey- we're keeping the 7 latest workout sessions linked for You!

Episode 52:

Monkey Bars Session 10:

Episode 51:

Episode 50:

Episode 49: Exotic Comeback legs bomb!

A basic explanation of terrain v germ theory. Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Be inspired. Share this episode with seven friends. Seven is a sacred number..

Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com
Telegram t.me/noxsoma

Living is the best part of life.

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