Being called a "Trumper" is not an insult.


It is funny being accused of being a Trump supporter. I use the word "accused" because the people throwing the word "Trumper" around at anybody who disagrees with them intend it as an insult.

For me, I just kinda chuckle at it because, I'm not, nor have I ever been a Trump supporter. I changed my voter registration to Democrat to vote for Yang in the primaries. Still, that was a pragmatic choice. When you're an anarchist, it's kinda rediculuous to think about being enthusiastic about voting for your next despot. Personally, when people throw the accusation at me, I just smile because those people are just showing themselves to be so intellectually vacuous that they need to grasp at such a thing.

But, what's funnier is to think about who actually might have his or her feelings hurt by being called a Trump supporter. It certainty doesn't hurt people like me due to the absurdity of it all. It doesn't hurt actual Trump supporters. Why would it? Why would a Trump supporter be hurt by a person shouting "Trump supporter!" at him or her?

The only people who are actually going to be hurt by being called a Trump supporter are your fellow anti-Trump fanatics.

The whole tactic is, at best, impotent. Really, it's self-defeating.

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