Mount Seulawah


Hello steemians....

How is everyone! Take care. Traveling to the provincial capital of Aceh in Banda Aceh during the holidays left many stories with me and my family. One of them while on the way to the city of Banda Aceh.

Very natural scenery decorates our trip on the left and right side of the road. Green forests along the road led us to the provincial capital of Aceh, Banda Aceh. Road with new asphalt and wide road make the trip so safe and very comfortable.

We try not to turn our eyes away from the front of the glass and the side of the vehicle glass. Because the natural scenery is so beautiful and still very natural. This natural landscape is garnished by the Seulawah valley and Mount Seulawah which are well known to the people of Aceh.

If we are tired, thirsty, and hungry, the coffee shop is waiting on a quiet but safe roadside. So we do not need to be afraid to rest for a while eliminating thirst and filling the rumbling stomach.

When our trip entered the Lamtamot area, Seulawah valley, Aceh Besar district, we have been waiting by tame wild animals, monkeys. This monkey is waiting for the food given by the driver who passes this road. Because the habits of the riders when passing this road carry the food that is given to these animals, as well as us.

Finally the trip was very tiring but fun paid off. In front of our vehicle, the mosque is proud of the Acehnese people, Baiturrahman Banda Aceh. Finally we arrived in the provincial capital of Aceh Banda Aceh.

Best Regards @p3d1

Location information
● Jl. Banda Aceh, Suka Mulia, Lembah Seulawah, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Aceh, Indonesia
● Jl. Banda Aceh, Lamtamot, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Aceh, Indonesia

Mount Seulawah

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