Swimming In Eilat Beach


This is the place where I spent a whole day at Eilat.

This place is so peaceful.

Go and swim in the beach and relax for the day.

I got myself an umbrella and a lounge chair and closed my eyes to enjoy myself here with no interruptions.

This is all I see.

No troubles.

No grumpy people.

Quiet and peace!

I am very content.

Life is so carefree.

This is what life should be. Free of troubles.

Just enjoy nature.

Just enjoy all the things God gives to us!

Follow me!

Go and put yourself alone in the sea.

With no one around.

Do what I do.

This is bliss. Don't let anyone sit beside you.

Enjoy yourself.

This is life.

Swimming In Eilat Beach

This is posted on trips.teem


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