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VACCINATION NON-CONSENT FORM: Black's Law Dictionary & Bouvier's Law Dictionary on DVD, Part 2

Screenshot_20200806 Black's Law Dictionary1910 Bouvier's law dictionary 1914 Facsimile on 1 DVD eBay1.png

@hippie-witha-gun suggested I get a copy of Bouvier's Law Dictionary as it was used in writing the Constitution... they are just too damned expensive - over $100 so, I found this - which gives me an older copy of Black's - this will be in addition to my hardcover 5th Edition of Black's which will be arriving shortly.

I went to the post office and got my Certified Mailing Label, and in anal fashion, I picked the one that added up to a multiple of 3 - Nicola Tesla 3-6-9 style... I also did the same with my tracking number on my return receipt card--
I input my info into the form on and shortly thereafter I received my documents.

I am reading the documents now and I found a grammatical error:

I had read or heard on that a grammatical error might nullify a contract, so I am going to send this over to them with that question before I run off and print the 48 ensuing pages.

The document is addressed to Donald J. Trump, interestingly. I am kind of glad I will be wearing a mask when I have to go the fucking post office to send this off. I made it for next Wednesday - that date is also a multiple of 3.

I am alone in this process - that is why it brings up so much fear. NO ONE I KNOW would do this. OMFG. It is so terrifying to think of that, but God will give them all their rights - I don't believe this is the only way to do this - each person has their own Higher Power and knows what they should do about this and this is what I am doing.

I tried to do the but that required 2 Witness signatures - and I literally did not have 2 people in my life who would be willing to sign for me as witnesses.

In this case, I only need 1 witness- my former roommate said he would be willing to do it.

Pathetic, huh? That's the COGNITIVE DISSONANCE in this fucking world we are in.

As I read further in this document it contains the Conditional Consent Language...fascinating...

Can they use "don't" ??, I will ask that also. I am a nit-picking stickler with an acute sense of right and wrong. but this is the type of thing my brain was made for. I should have been a legal assistant but the "law" is corrupt and all lawyers of today's "BAR" work for the Crown. BRITISH ACCREDITATION REGENCY... hidden in plain sight.

I will probably love this crap if I can ever get my mind wrapped around it.

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