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Not Being Vaccinated...Part 3


I was assured that the grammatical errors I found were insignificant. I printd the 37-page document, which is to be signed and witnessed and sent off by certified mail to THE DONALD, next Wednesday. I gave myself a week to get everything together. In case there was weirdness.

There will be another 2 mailings I will have to do after this, One on or after September 2, 2020 and then the last one after September 23, 2020. will send me the documents and a reminder.

Also for those interested in NOT BEING VACCINATED IN THE other vaccine mandates - you can check out the - that's the same group that were working on 5G the last time I tried to do this and the whole group fell apart...

My fear has subsided quite a bit...I think it was due to discussing this all with @clareartista - I somehow just got the courage to take a baby step and then another and another - and now I am almost done.

My Black's Law Dictionary arrived today.

I should add that MASKS are now "mandatory" in Colorado now. Black's Law Dictionary says that a mandate is "a command, order, or direction, written or oral which court is authorized to give and person is bound to obey."

Oh and look "Corona" in Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition, means "criminal actions or proceedings in which the crown was the prosecutor. yea I am sure that's a coincidence.

I am pretty sure that I am not a "person" and therefore the "court" has no jurisdiction over me with it's mandate - but I am not yet ready to walk in these shoes.

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