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Natural Law Made Personal - Booklet Part 1

This booklet is compiled of various sources and cannot be copyrighted. It is based upon the work of Mark Passio & Emmet Fox, and excerpted from The Kybalion, a Natural Law Thesis by Michael Gleason, Four-Point Conings by Theresa Crabtree and an anonymous text which contains directions for an indepth personal housecleaning, and my own writings.

I have written a lot of it on the Hive Blockchain already, and you guys have helped me to write it as it has been developed in the Auragraphs I have been writing for the last 8 months.

Here is a dropbox link to the whole booklet for you to download and use for yourself. I am updating it almost daily right now and there are 5 Appendices at the moment including The Golden Key and a practical application of the Natural Law principles to the Mental Plane by me and the work of Pater Amadaeous which I just added today.

I have not been able to publish this book on Hive because I think it is too long. I am going to try to do so in chapters instead.

It is the Ancient Spiritual Knowledge of Natural Law (Spiritual Law, Moral Law) upon which all religions find a common denominator. I offer here access to the surface of a core understanding of the self (Microcosm) and the world (Macrocosm), through the lens of Natural Law Principles. It would be impossible to fully understand the Auragraph Reading without access to this knowledge which has been scrubbed from society over the last 200 hundred years.

This booklet only scratches the surface for the purpose of the reading. If you are truly interested in learning Natural Law, I recommend what I did; put your own house in order by making reparations for past mistakes for which instructions are given in the booklet and study the work of Mark Passio, in the Source Material section of this booklet. His information will give you a complete basic understanding of yourself and the world and what is happening right now in 2020, through the lens of Natural Law Principles.

Of course, there is even more detailed information available through Hermetic Texts, Alchemy, and so many others, but this will provide an introduction.

(this is what people who have ordered Auragraphs from me are going to get from now on, because time has long since run out and I can no longer pander to self-centeredness


This is the context for the readings of my Auragraphs, Natural Law Oracle Deck and Talismans. In the reading I will site page numbers of items within this booklet for you to use. The rest of the booklet is designed to give you access to knowledge that if widely known and practiced would change the course of the lives of the people of Earth forever. This booklet is not copyrighted because it is taken from sources directly and I have added my own material...



The Context of Your Reading: Natural Law

The Microcosm: You

We want certain conditions to be present for both ourselves and our species as a whole, and perhaps all species on the earth; such as happiness, health, peace, and freedom. These are all conditions we desire and work toward but do we ever achieve them holistically? These conditions are not inherent. When we discover that they are not, and that there are specific requirements of us with regards to our spirit, thoughts, our emotions, and most definitely, our actions, to obtain these conditions, then it appears that we are not necessarily being honest about wanting them, or maybe it is that we do not know how to meet these requirements because we don’t know that we don’t know.

We must live a certain way, by certain Laws in order to obtain these conditions. And when we don’t, we will not have them. It seems too hard, in this world of distractions… but for many of us, we would be willing to make the effort if we only knew what to do.

This is what the Real Law of Attraction is about; the conditions that you say you want do not automatically manifest by thinking of them, meditating on them, visualizing them, making vision boards about them, making sigils for them to appear, praying for them, or just having a feeling about them. There are certain requirements of us, a change in thoughts, emotions and actions for obtaining those conditions.

Many of us have trauma in our history which colors our Spirit, thoughts, emotions and actions making it seemingly impossible for us just to “change our behavior” to produce those conditions. This is where a relationship with the Creator, combined with Natural Law, provides a way to remedy even the worst trauma. If you will clean up your side of the street, The Creator, God, through Natural Law, will meet you where you are and walk you out of the woods.

First, what do I mean by God, the Creator?

You choose your own experience of God. Surely you have had spiritual experiences in the past? Just contemplating Nature is a Spiritual experience- use that- or if you have a religion- use that. It is the God of your understanding that you would need to use and if you don’t have one simply get on your knees and pray to the Unseen for help.Then look for the answer to your prayers- in signs and seeming coincidence- co-incidence is 2 incidents which overlap- that’s the Spiritual Force responding to your request...

Trauma requires Shadow Work
What is Shadow Work?

Everything is made of energy: Light. The earth, the sun, all sentient beings, all objects that are not sentient. When an object blocks the light, it creates a “Shadow”.

The lower the frequency of energy, the more “solid” it appears and the more solid creates a darker shadow when struck with light from the other side. Take a rock and a balloon – a rock creates a dark black shadow, while a balloon, which is transparent, creates a transparent shadow. The higher the frequency of the energy, there is either no shadow, or a more transparent shadow. Low frequency energy equals a solid which equals a solid dark shadow, when blasted with light from the opposite side.

The term Shadow Work is an allegorical statement regarding Light and “enlightenment” vs. Dark “shadows”; meaning that the egoic nature of low frequency actions which are simply repeated over and over, are stuck and never change because of unresolved ideas and issues that continue to play out over a long period of time, causing harm to the being who has the shadow and to other beings who are in relationship to it.

Shadow Work is the toil by which a conscious being investigates to bring the low frequency energy to high frequency to eliminate the Shadow and bring about a state of “enlightenment”.

How To Find Your Shadow Work
Direction for Meditation and Prayer

The solution is that you let God be the Director of your life, then things will go much better for you, because you will always know what to do because you will be guided by a Power greater than you that has your best interest in mind for the Highest Good of all concerned.

A good place to start would be meditation and prayer. Start with a few minutes of silent meditation in the morning and at night - and increase it as you can. You can count backward from 25 and try to see the numbers in your head- this will block other thoughts from coming in.

The purpose of meditation is to get out of the ego self and into the observer self so that you are no longer attached to ideas that you believe are real… and you can get into the silence - this does take practice. Yoga can help with this as well. Breathing into your stuck points in your body while doing a stretch can help you find mental silence.

Prayer on the other hand is for throughout the day - and it requires practice to become a working part of your life - Asking at each point when you set out to do something - what is God's Will in this situation?

Pausing and waiting and then looking for the answer in signs or intuition, chance meetings or things that come from outside you to start with ... You can do this with minutia as well as big decisions. Practice at the grocery store when standing in front of the bread isle – there are so many choices - God, what kind of bread should I buy? and then pause and wait to see which bread seems right. It takes practice. The finite mind is not going to want to give up it's status as the ruler - so it might be confusing and frustrating but the more you practice the more it will become a working part of the mind...

Even making mistakes shows you are trying and you will get great rewards from that -

Acknowledging these miracles - by writing them down - makes them more and more believable - not something to be brushed off as "coincidence" - or not even noticed -

In addition, during this "crisis" we are in - you could Pray for a simple way you could be helpful to others - and for the ability to let go of the results - you do not know what is best for others - but you can be helpful to them in some way -

This will get you out of yourself and let the Higher Power have a chance to work out the next steps for you toward finding your shadow work - so that you will know what to do when you need to know it...

It will be necessary to do a personal housecleaning once you find your shadow work.

We need to know certain things. Knowledge that will ultimately lead us to positive action is required. Specifically, the knowledge of the requirements to obtaining the conditions we say we want. This knowledge is present, has been occulted, but has been unearthed and revealed. It is simply up to each of us, to pick up the spiritual tools, and using an ancient methodology, a form of Hermetic Alchemy, to apply these tools to our lives and to get back into alignment with Natural Law.

If at that point this knowledge continues to be willfully ignored the manifestation of the desired conditions will be impossible. That is exactly what this booklet is about: What is the knowledge we must obtain and what are the actions we must perform, daily, individually and as a species in order to get back into alignment with Natural Law.

Occult Knowledge
This knowledge is ‘Occulted,’ meaning it is ‘Hidden.’ Derived from the Latin adjective‘Occultus’ which means ‘Concealed / Hidden from sight,’ which is in turn derived from the Latin verb ‘Occultare’ which means ‘to Keep secret / to Conceal.’ Just like in English, the word ‘Ocular’ means ‘Related to the eye / Related to sight,’ which is derived from the Latin noun ‘Oculus’ meaning ‘Eye.’

Occult knowledge is certain information that has been ‘hidden from the eye’ for a specific reason. Occult knowledge constitutes both the knowledge of human consciousness and how it operates, and the knowledge of Natural Law, the unseen universal spiritual laws which govern the consequences of human behavior. In the ancient mystery traditions and occult schools, these concepts are known as the two ‘Arcana’ which translates to ‘Secret’ in both Latin and Greek (‘Arcanum (μυστικό)’ in Greek).

The Lesser (Minor) Arcana: Secret knowledge of the microcosm. – Deals with individual units of consciousness; the human psyche. → How it operates, where our motivations come
from etc. (‘lesser’ does not mean it is less important, but simply that it’s ‘smaller’)
The Greater (Major) Arcana: Secret knowledge of the macrocosm. – Understanding of the large (universal) laws of Nature that govern the macrocosm. → Natural Law.

Natural Law

The word ‘Natural’ is derived from the Egyptian word ‘Neter (Ntr)’ which translates to ‘Spirit / God’ and the suffix ‘-al,’ which, just as in English, means: ‘Related to / Of / Having come from.’ It can be readily seen that the word ‘Natural’ (Neter + -al) means ‘Related to- or,having come from Spirit / God.’.

That means that Natural Law is Spiritual Law

Universal spiritual laws which govern the consequences of behavior for intelligent species; meaning beings that are capable of coming to an understanding of Self / Consciousness, and also capable of understanding the objective difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior towards themselves and other beings.

Within the human population such knowledge also isn’t commonly known because it has been deliberately hidden in order to create and maintain a power differential between those who know that information, and those who are ignorant of it.

The knowledge of Natural Law and its operations constitute some of the most deeply occulted information on Earth, which the powers that be seek to keep hidden from the people, because the understanding of this information would level the playing field and put an end to the currently operating systems of control.

• Natural: Inherent / Having a basis in Nature, reality, and Truth / Not made or caused by humankind.
• Law: An existing condition which is both binding and immutable (cannot be changed).

Problem Solving
There are a few main steps to solving a problem.

  1. Recognize that there is a problem to begin with.
  2. Recognize that symptoms are merely effects of underlying causes. Instead of treating symptoms, you must make an accurate diagnosis of the cause(s) of the problem.
    (Diagnosis: from the Greek preposition ‘Dia- (δια)’ meaning ‘Through / By way of,’and the Greek noun ‘Gnosis (γνωσις)’ which means ‘Knowledge.’ The term ‘Diagnosis’ etymologically means ‘By way of knowledge’) And in doing so, you will come to an understanding of what cause has put certain symptoms into effect.
  3. Through the knowledge acquired via accurate diagnosis, take the required action(s) necessary to rectify the causal factors which led to the manifestation of the problem.


Truth is objective.
All that Truth is, is all that has happened in the past, and that which is happening at the present moment. That which is, and that which has been.

Your truth and my truth is actually our perception which is based on our experiences, emotions, fears, and knowledge, ato nd therefore is subjective.

In the picture, imagine the white lines which do not waver to be Truth, and every colored line to be the perception of an individual. Their ability to perceive what has occurred, and what is occurring, can be referred to as consciousness (a being’s ability to recognize patterns and meaning inside, and around themselves); which can be either accurate, or inaccurate. In case of a low frequency vibration (red line), the wavelength will be longer, and the wave won’t frequently hit the white line.

In case of a high frequency vibration (blue line), the wavelength will be a lot shorter, and the wave hits the white line a lot more frequently. The higher the frequency of a person’s consciousness is, the more their wave of perception hits the line of Truth.

Discovery vs. Belief
Natural law is capable of being discovered, understood, and harmonized with; unlike religion, which asks to believe, accept as is, and do without question.

You could try to understand the way Natural Law works as you understand the law of gravity, and therefore you wouldn’t walk over the edge of a cliff. The law of gravity does not
require your belief to be in effect; and neither does Natural Law.

Belief is completely irrelevant when it comes to the existence and operation of all Laws of Nature, such as gravity, inertia, momentum, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. Similar
to such other phenomena of Nature, the workings of Natural Law don’t require belief in order to be operational, discovered, and known.

Consciousness: The ability of a being to accurately perceive Truth, being that which has happened, and that which is happening.

Expressions of Consciousness: The abilities we have, to make ourselves known to any other being around us. These expressions are:

  • Thoughts: Creative (neutral) force
  • Emotions: Internal expression
  • Actions: Result of thought and emotion being expressed into the physical realm.

As in all major religious traditions, this represents the ‘Holy Trinity’:
The Father Creator (thoughts), and the sacred feminine - Holy Spirit (Emotions), which the father
figure impregnates in form. And from that union, a male child is born “Son” Therefore the ‘Savior’ of humanity will be Action. Mere faith will not do it. Faith without Works is Dead.

Brain Structure and Behavior

Brain health plays a critical role in human behavior, so it’s extremely important for people to
become familiar with the brain’s basic structure and functions.
The three main complexes that comprise the human brain are:

  • The R-Complex (Reptilian Brain):
    Basic survival functions
  • The Limbic system (Mammalian Brain): Human emotion
  • The Neocortex (Human Brain):
    Higher thought functions and consciousness

• The R-Complex becomes active when we are in ‘fight-or-flight’ mode; when survival is at stake. This part of the brain also controls basic motor skills and respiration. It is comprised of the brain-stem and the cerebellum. It is the lowest conscious part of the brain, meaning it is not a “thinking” part of the brain, merely a part of the brain that reacts to stimulus.

• The Limbic system, also referred to as the ‘mid-brain,’ makes it possible for us to feel in our physical realm. It does this by releasing neuropeptides into the bloodstream via different glands that comprise the limbic system, for example: the pineal gland, the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary gland etc. It is the part of our brain which makes all human emotions possible. If this particular part of the brain does not function properly you would not be able to experience a normal range of human emotions. This is partially what psychopathy is; with psychopaths this part of the brain does not function properly. This could be due to some form of birth disorder, or from chronic conditions in somebody’s life which have ‘numbed’ this particular part of the brain.

• The Neocortex is structurally the highest part of the brain, and evolutionary the newest part of the brain. The word ‘Neo’ derives from the Greek adjective ‘Néos (νέος)’ which means ‘New.’ It’s where all the electrochemical activity that comprise our human ‘modes of thought’ take place; that which we consider the things in thought that make us human, and separate us from the animal kingdom. By higher thought functions is meant for example: logic, intuition, creativity etc. It is basically the outer layer of the brain’s gray matter. So as far as evolutionary development of the human brain goes, it is the newest part of our brain structure.

The two hemispheres of the brain are bilaterally symmetrical, meaning they are able to be divided into approximate mirrored images of each other along the mid-line. The two separate halves generally control different functions of the brain.

The left, intellectual part of the brain (masculine): logic, analytical thought, math etc. And the right, intuitive part of the brain (feminine): creativity, intuition, compassion etc.

When there is a healthy balance between the two hemispheres of the brain, that’s when real consciousness, and pattern recognition is developed. As well as true morality, and ethical

Intellect is not the same as intelligence. Intellect is left brain understanding; while intelligence is holistic understanding, with the right brain included in the process.

The word ‘Intelligence’ is made up of ‘Intelli + Gence.’ The ‘Intelli’ part derives from‘Intellect,’ and ‘Gence’ comes from the Latin verb ‘Gignere’ which means ‘to Generate / to Create / to Bring forth.’ So, intellect + creativity / logic + compassion etc., that is real intelligence, holistic intelligence. Sadly, most people in our society are not holistically intelligent; they’re usually in some form of either left- or right brain imbalance. If the left brain becomes chronically dominant, the R-Complex will take over executive function of the brain, and the person will become ruled by selfishness and base desires. They usually develop a personality based on domination and control. If the right brain becomes chronically dominant, the Limbic System takes over executive
function of the brain, and the person will become ruled by their own emotions. They usually develop a personality based on submissiveness and naiveté.

Human Nature

Human nature is neither inherently good, nor bad. Instead, we should consider the operating conditions, and the environment in which human beings exist, that influence their behavior to a great extent; thus, creating the current human condition.

What is the nature of a computer? – To compute information; which is neither good or bad. Human nature is to take in information, process it, and output the behavior. Much like a computer, human beings are programmable.

Similar to a computer, if a human being has a “bad” “file-system format” (conditions during a child’s formative years), a “bad” “operating system” (culture / environment), and “bad” “software programs” (erroneous, rigid, and dogmatic beliefs), their “output” (behavior) onto the “screen” (life) will also be “bad” . Therefore, these people will contribute to deteriorating conditions on a mass scale, for themselves, and all other beings around them.

The behavior of a human being will largely depend upon his or her programming; the quality of the information taken in by them, which enables them to process and create efficiently.
Garbage in → Garbage out / Quality in → Quality out

Knowledge (or lack thereof):
Available information – This constitutes potential knowledge that may be generated, processed, understood, and acted upon by individuals.

Understanding (or lack thereof):
Decision-making process – These processes take place in the mind and are chosen by each individual based upon available information.

Wisdom (or lack thereof):
Human behavior – Each individual’s behavior is based upon the quality of their decision-making processes, which are based upon the quality of their available information. Wisdom is not the same as knowledge or understanding. Wisdom is either action, or inaction, always. It is knowledge and understanding which has been applied.

“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.”– Miles Kington, English journalist

Generated Result (order or chaos): Manifested reality – The quality of the condition which manifests in any society is based upon the aggregate quality of human behavior within that society.

Principles of Natural Law
The word ‘Principle’ is derived from the Latin noun ‘Principia’ which means ‘First / Foremost / Leading / Most necessary.’ In other words, that which is most important.

Natural law is expressed through seven basic underlying principles, plus an eighth ‘lost’ principle which binds the other seven together. These principles constitute a ‘master key’ through which universal wisdom is unveiled.
These are the Seven Principles of Natural Law:

  1. Mentalism: The All is mind; The Universe is mental.
  2. Correspondence: As above, so below; As within, so without.
  3. Vibration: Nothing is stationary, everything vibrates, has it’s frequency, giving off light or sound.
  4. Polarity: Everything comes in pairs, and has its polar opposite.
  5. Rhythm: All is ebb and flow; action -reaction, advance–recoil, evolution-involution, order-chaos
  6. Cause and Effect: Everything happens according to Natural Law.
  7. Gender: Animate or inanimate, everything has its male and female properties.
  8. Care: The Lost Principle.

These are also known as the ‘Hermetic Principles,’ derived from the name of the Greek God: Hermes (Ερμής) Trismegistus, who was called the ‘Messenger of the Gods.’

  1. Mentalism → All is mind; the universe is mental. Thoughts lead to the manifestation of all things and events in Creation. Thoughts create our state of existence and the quality of our experience here on Earth. Therefore, be responsible for everything you create, by being responsible for everything you think.
  2. Correspondence → That which is above is like to that which is below, that which is below is like to that which is above. That which is within is like to that is without. That which is without is like to that which is within. The macrocosm (the totality) and the microcosm (the individual units of consciousness which comprise the whole) are reflections of each other. The Universe is self-similar across all scales.
  3. Vibration → Nothing rests, everything moves. At the most fundamental level, the Universe and everything that comprises it is pure vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways. The Universe has no ‘solidity’ as such; the Universe is ‘holographic.’ Matter is merely energy in a state of vibration. The denser the Matter, the lower the vibrational frequency.
  4. Polarity → Everything is dual, everything has poles. Everything has its opposite. Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree (e.g. hot and cold are seemingly opposites, while all that cold truly is, is the absence of heat energy). At some level of reality, all things that seems contradictory may be reconciled.
  5. Rhythm → Everything flows; out and in, in and out. Everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything. The measure of the swing to the right, is the measure of the swing to the left. Rhythm compensates.
  6. Cause and Effect → Every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to law. Chance is but a name for Law not recognized. There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes Law. There is no free will to ignore Law without consequence; that is the limit of free will. This is why Natural Law is also sometimes referred to as consequentialism.
  7. Gender → Gender is in everything, everything has its masculine and feminine properties; gender manifests on all planes. While every person has a biological sex, psychologically both qualities exist simultaneously in everyone, and everything.

The seven principles are represented here by these seven circles that form the Seed of Life, which are encapsulated by an 8 th circle, which holds all the others together.
8. Care (the 8th ‘lost’ principle) → This principle encapsulates all seven other principles; if you look at the seven circles that form the seed of life, the eighth added circle forms the outer shell. Without this shell present and intact, the creative (generative) essence of the seed will be lost. Care (not compassion) is whatever you give attention to, and help to grow. This does not mean you should not care about, or ignore any negative things in the world because you think that will feed into it and give power to it; if that happens only ignorance is being fed into it. By ignoring the negative, you are ensuring that more of it will occur. Instead, see it for what it is and pray about it. Give it attention through prayer.

The lost principle is the dynamic of care; that which you actually care enough about to do, to spend your time on, to pay attention to, and to manifest into reality. What we care about on a day-to-day basis acts as the driving force of our thoughts and actions. What we as conscious beings need to develop are heart, mind, and guts, and prayer infused in all, in that order. We must care enough to know, and then act accordingly to that understood knowledge, and we must pray about what we know infusing it with spiritual energy, pray that our emotions be transmuted into neutrality, and pray that our actions be guided by God . All three (and the forth) must be in place to gain unity consciousness; unifying thoughts, emotions, and actions. Therefore, care can be seen as the ultimate generator of the quality of our experience of life. Hence the eighth principle is also known as the generative principle. True care is created in our hearts, the ‘pump’ that causes our blood to flow through our body, in many ancient traditions they spoke of the ‘life force’ being in the blood.

As important as the brain is, the heart is ultimately generating the experience. Because what we care about becomes what we think/intuit about, what we feel about and therefore, how we behave.

That which we care enough about to put our will behind is ultimately what gets created in our world. The reason the world is in the state it’s in, is because most people do not care enough (even if they say they want things to be different) to change it through their behavior.

The Two Spiritual Currencies
There are two ‘Spiritual Currencies’: time and attention. This analogy can be seen very readily in the sayings ‘spending time’ and ‘paying attention.’ Whatever information or endeavors we put our time and attention toward, we end up getting something in return for that investment. This return could come in the form of knowledge,understanding, skills, or expertise. However, this only happens if we invest our spiritual currencies wisely. We should seek to improve the quality of our attention by directing it towards information that is capable of improving both our own lives, as well as the human condition as a whole. Such an effort would constitute a valuable investment of our time.

We should more frequently ask ourselves the questions: “What am I spending my time on? What am I paying attention to?” And most importantly, “What kind of quality am I getting in return for these investments of my spiritual currencies?”