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I Am Going To Porcfest - First Time!


I am going to Porc-Fest to meet up with my Autonomy buddies.

What is Autonomy? It's a sales course to help any Entrepreneur learn how to get more sales in this weird economy through using principles of Integrity and Freedom: Natural Law.

It's also a place to learn support systems for Entrepreneurial endeavor such as web design and development, audio and video editing, graphic design, motion graphics, and copywriting.

Graduates may get an apprenticeship with Autonomy Unlimited, a marketing company, to learn these skills to become freelancers or to find new opportunities.

Started by Richard Grove about 2 years ago, the Autonomy community has grown to around 500 students.

We meet at Porc-Fest in New Hampshire to meet face-to-face and hang out for a week.

Porc-Fest is a freedom festival put on by the Free State Project. - it's actually SOLD OUT this year.

The Free State Project was established over 20 years ago to bring people of freedom mind to New Hampshire to make NH predominantly a FREE STATE:

I am looking forward to vending these prints:

Staying in my car which I have tricked out as a mini-hotel room...