Auragraph for A Guy New To The Healing Arts...Looking For Answers...


I decided to begin to use the Akashic Records to do my readings from. I am using my own records. I am using the book by Linda Howe from 2010. I also looked at Maureen J. St. Germaine's book but I don't like it as much, mainly because she can't write at all. Linda Howe is literate and well-spoken. I borrowed both books from the library.

Also this was my first Zoom call where I started the drawing on zoom...

Using the Akashic Records cuts out my bias and opinions.

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As you know, you are at the end of using self-will to strive. Instead lead with Intuition which is the voice of God through your Higher Self and reliance upon God to lead you to your Calling. Read ancient texts. Inform yourself and learn knew things that are brought to you through ancient knowledge in books...most of them are available free online.


Sun and Moon: Sun in the middle, Moon on the right – It’s a new beginning – dawning, the middle path. The path of least resistance. The Moon on the right means that you need to imagine yourself in this position – naked, barefoot, on the lap of your Higher Self – that is your current position and then the Moon is on the left, which represents the Feminine Principle, receptivity, Intuition.

Sun and Moon together in the sky:
The Law of Polarity, as it is stated in the Kybalion:
“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has It’s pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.“–The Kybalion.

It is possible to use Mental Transmutation which is Mental Alchemy, to rise above negative feelings and thoughts – it is called the Law of Neutralization. So that if you find yourself feeling down, know that everything has 2 poles and you can, using thought and prayer, repetitive mantra, raise your vibration UP to the opposite pole of thought. I recommend the Kybalion and also Doreen Virtue’s version of the Kybalion as it has exercises in Mental Transmutation. Both these books are available in hardcover or online free as a pdf.

First you have to get rid of negative thinking altogether, and for which there is a pdf free online – 7 day mental diet- see the Source Material.

You are sitting on the right side of your Higher Self – His right knee – so this is where you will now manifest from - the Right side being the Masculine Principle – manifestation in the world – is from your Higher Self.

The Left side of your face is hidden behind his hair and halo – you are looking at the world through your Higher Self now. The left side of your face – is looking through the Intuition – you are bringing Intuition into the decision making process.

Both your eyes and your Higher Self’s eyes gaze upward: This is in reverence to the Creator as Source.

You are held firmly with your right arm around your Higher Self’s neck, and your left arm is hidden in the folds.

You are naked and vulnerable, barefoot– as an infant in this new beginning time. Both his barefeet show – he too is vulnerable to God, but both feet are planted – stable.

Monarch Butterfly on your Higher Self’s left arm: The Butterfly has great significance in the occult world: Using green language - the language of the birds - the Monarch butterfly - monarch is royalty - inner monarchy vs. external monarchy - freedom vs. slavery - the inner monarch means that I (eye) the third eye - has dominance over the self - the Self rules the self - and therefore has no need for external govern - ment. The word government means - ment is mind - mind-control - that is either inner or outer

A Monarch Butterfly is either mind-controlled by the "government, military, homeland security, police, civilization, man’s laws, society" or by God and Natural Law. The process of the butterfly is that it starts out as a caterpillar, usually very destructive eating it's way thoughtlessly killing and destroying a multitude of plants - then it builds it's cocoon and goes to sleep for a while and during that time it becomes a big ugly bug and then as it wakes up and eats it's way out of it's own cocoon it is transformed into a beautiful creature - and as with the monarch - that migrates - flies hundreds of miles in it's lifetime - bringing light and beauty wherever it goes- symbolically it is the human process as well - and an enlightened butterfly brings great energy and power - raising the frequency on the planet.

You are being called into service through your act of service, to leave behind your materialistic ways and become something much bigger.

His left arm, refers to the guidance coming from The Creator.

Your feet are above the clouds of confusion. Clouds mean confusion but you are above the confusion now that you have reached your Higher Self’s lap. It’s a good place to be.

Remember that you got here as a result of Service. Trying to help your wife rocketed you into this 4th Dimension of existence. Service is always the key – never forget that. If you want to get out of self and find an answer, helping another person will always lift you out and set you on your feet again, in a new place with new information.

Think of Nature and how She gives freely of herself to us. We might mimic Nature in how we give – like the apple tree. The apple tree creates a plentiful harvest for everyone in the Orchard. It feeds the birds, the bugs, the people and the earth. It gives freely with no thought of reward.

Only the humans take more of the fruit of the apple tree than they need, claim it as their own, and sell it to other humans.

Where do these ideas come from? This harkens back to your quest for knowledge suggested in the Oracle Reading. Things that we humans take for granted, we have to ask ourselves where these ideas came from? Could it be that some of the things that we hang our hats on – like the monetary system, the food system, civilization itself, could have been given to us by someone – taught to us – when it actually might not be our true Nature, which might actually be more akin to how Nature does things? Things to think about in these early times as you seek knowledge.

The other creatures and the earth that benefit just take the apples that they need for their survival.

This monetary system is not inherent to animals of Earth – animals live peacefully and in alignment with the earth. They do not destroy their own environment. Are not humans also animals? Who then brought these destructive systems to humans?

We must free ourselves by seeing God as the Source of our Supply. Thereby trusting that if we live by the Golden Rule, “Treat others the way you want to be treated”, we will be taken care of.

The Knowledge card in your Oracle reading coupled with the butterfly image in your Auragraph is suggesting a course of study of all ancient texts. Mark Passio’s podcasts and his Natural Law seminar at Yale University, both of which are sited in my Source Material are recommended as a beginners course; his tapestry of work is so eclectic in the realm of Occult Knowledge that you would get a well-rounded beginning education and be able to explore and learn many different paths that you could delve into later and take from as a basis of learning Esoteric Knowledge. This will give you a foundation and help you find your way on your path.

Begin a course of study of the mystery schools beginning with Hermes Trysmegistus – Hermeticism – Hermetic Alchemy through the Kybalion – study the ancient texts and ancient medicines: Alchemy, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine – while continuing to do your work to get a sense of the history of humanity and the earth’s relationship. Study Rosecrucianism, Nature Spirits- Perelandra, Findhorn- and as you go you gather more information for yourself. **Hiram Abiff **in freemasonry. Ancient Judaism, the Zohar, Kabbalah – Tree of Life – Tarot, Origins of Humanity- Truth in all cultures – Aliens.

Gilgamesh etc and find yourself in the Lineage. Seek not any one group of Human Teachers.

Instead seek teachers through Prayer and Meditation and allow them to be brought to you. Try things out and see if they work for you:

Pray and look for the answer to the prayer.

Get rid of all negative thinking – Emmet Fox – 7 - day mental diet.

Keep your word

All that is important to how we express ourselves in the world. Courage. Force vs. Violence. The true meaning of anarchy and service. How we each learn to get along with each other and “the world” at large – what truly IS happening?


Talisman: Divine Intelligence leads me on an awakened spiritual journey to discover my true purpose and shows me how to bring it to the world.


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