Let’s all become legends together #31

Let’s all become legends together #31

If you aspire to become a legend, leave us a comment. The legend will broadcast your message with each post, thus transforming you into a legend. In addition, the legend will send you a SECRET token as a reward for your comment.

So, give your best in your comment, make your best advertisement, or write a legendary phrase. You can also simply say hello.

You also have the opportunity to promote a legend of your choice who would deserve a legendary curation and a SECRET token.

The legend does not sell SECRET, but buys them back for now at 0.009 per unit. You can sell them, keep them, as you wish. The price will never drop, but could increase.

How can the legend buy back the SECRET it gives?

The legend resells everything it earns on ENGINE, keeps nothing, and converts everything into SECRET.

At the moment there are still only 387 SECRET in circulation, we will only recreate them if we no longer have any to distribute and that you can buy them back.

For the moment, the legend still has 210 to offer, so don’t hesitate to tell us if you know someone who would deserve it.

The legend tirelessly continues to increase its legendary Ecency points and its HIVE POWER. It is on the verge of announcing the completion of half of the first chapter, which consists of reaching 100 HP. This will allow it to cast legendary votes on comments that have caught our attention. Currently, the legend needs Ecency points to write its story, but a day will come when we will no longer need them.

What will happen once the first chapter is completed?

When your HIVE legend has accumulated its 100 HP, it will start setting aside HBD, maybe 100 as well, before resuming the accumulation of HP towards 200, then 200 HBD, and so on.

Subsequently, the legend will use its HBD dividends to further increase its HIVE POWER. The legend will then be recognized by all. However, for the moment, the legend remains a small red fish in a vast ocean.

And finally, the legends of the day are as follows







Good Days All

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