What happened to CTPSB this week?

Last week was a very interesting one for the CTPSB token. If you followed the market, you could have made some very good deals. However, there was also a wind of panic which is understandable when you look at the chart of the week:

source: hive-engine.com

What happened last week?

The market maker for the CTPSB project is always adapting its orders according to the theoretical value of the token. Normally, we set these orders once a day. We put around 40 to 50 CTPSB into the buy orders and around 500 tokens into the sell orders.

This week, a big token holder that has been inactive for quite some time sold more than 300 CTPSB tokens at once. However, instead of using the hive-engine market, he did so through hive keychain swap. This means that instead of getting around 3.2 Hive per CTPSB, he got that price only for the 50 first tokens. For the remaining tokens, he received what was in the order book for CTPSB. For some the tokens, the price was as low as 0.01 Hive! This was a very bad move for this user.

In the following days, the person who purchased these tokens at these low prices, sold them at a higher price. CTPSB tokens were sold for prices around 1.5 Hive which is a real bargain. The market maker managed to purchase the majority of these tokens but hopefully some other people managed to profit from this bargain as well.

Is there any risk for the project?

There is no risk at all, on the contrary the market maker managed to purchase around 300 CTPSB tokens without needing to make a power down. Every CTPSB token is backed by hive power and if the market maker runs out of funds, then it needs to sell tokens to @ctpsb that in return buys them and burns them with the money resulting from the powerdown.

In the present case, we didn't need to do such a thing. The market maker has still more than 1000 liquid hive to purchase tokens. Once these 1000 Hive are used, only then we would need to start a power down and it would take some time to buy back all the tokens. However, we would always offer the theoretical price for CTPSB. Hypothetical power downs would have no impact on the token value.

So to sum up, the project is safer than it has ever been and as you can see from the numbers below, the APR of the token is actually getting bigger from one week to the next.

Learn more about the CTP Swarm Booster:

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