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Markel murder trial update — Verdict on the verge?

The two people on trial are Sigfredo Garcia (who is charged with being one of the two hired guns who carried out the murder) and Katherine Magbanua, his longtime on and off girlfriend, who is charged with being the conduit between the two killers and the family of Dan's ex-wife, Wendi Adelson, who authorities believe commissioned the hit so that Wendi would get sole custody of her and Dan's two sons. Magbanua also dated Wendi's brother Charlie Adelson, who is alleged to have commissioned the hit along with her mother (Donna Adelson).

My coverage of trial thus far.

First day
Third day

The jury in the trial of two of the suspects in the 2014 murder-for-hire of Florida State Law Prof. Dan Markel couldn't reach a verdict after 4 hours of deliberations! They have retired for the night and will get back to deliberating tomorrow. In the meantime, you can watch the closing statements on youtube:

The prosecution:

Defense counsel for Katherine Magbanua (accused of being the intermediary between the two hitmen and the family of Dan's ex-wife Wendi Adelson, who are believed to have commissioned the hit):

Defense counsel for Sigfredo Garcia, accused of being the hitman who pulled the trigger:

In my view, the prosecution theory of the case seems correct, or at least far more probable than the defence theory. But you can decide for yourselves.