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Markel Murder trial update.

For a summary of the trial which began 3 days ago. Catch my summary post here.

Highlights of today's testimony from Day 3 of the trial of two of the accused perpetrators of the 2014 contract murder of Florida State law professor Dan Markel. These are two key witnesses: Luis Rivera (one of the two hitmen, who admitted his role in the crime and is testifying for the state) and Jeffrey LaCasse, the ex-boyfriend of Dan's ex-wife Wendi Adelson.

Rivera claimed, as expected, that he was hired by the Adelsons, with Katherine Magbanua and Sigfredo Garcia acting as intermediaries. Magbanua is the ex-girlfriend of both Garcia and Charlie Adelson.

LaCasse testified, among other things, that Wendi told him her brother Charlie Adelson said he had considered hiring a hitman to kill Dan. This seems significant, as LaCasse clearly thought she meant Charlie had seriously considered it, not just joked about it (as Wendi suggested in her own testimony last week).

And, yes, I know this latter testimony is probably hearsay. Unlike seemingly everyone else in the world these days, I am NOT a hearsay rule expert. But I assume this statement was let into evidence because it falls within one of the numerous exceptions to the rule.