vintage radio made in jawa tengah Indonesia

*hallo stemian...!

wowfakta This unique vintage nan funny radio is an innovation created by Singgih Susilo Kartono, a graduate of the Faculty of Art and Design ITB. Man born in Kandangan Village, Temanggung, Central Java, April 1, 1968, this did not expect if Radio Magno, which originally was a product prototype of the final task during college, now penetrate the international market and worldwide.

Started his business in 2005, the production of this small quantity can actually penetrated to the International. Even when America and Europe are experiencing a crisis, the demand for Radio Magno is undisturbed.

Who would have thought, his simple and unique form, the radio is much-loved until abroad. Together with dozens of its employees, it has been recorded as many as thousands of radio units produced. And now, Magno's production, which is housed in Singgih's studio workshop in Temanggung, can reach 300 units per month.

Magno-Piranti Works employs approximately 40 people who are mostly Kandangan villagers themselves. On average they have the experience of producing wood. Through intensive training conducted at Magno workshop, workers can produce high quality goods that meet export standards.

About 95% of Magno's sales are exported and 5% for the domestic market such as Jakarta, Bali, Bandung and some other areas. The countries in the world that are Magno markets are, the United States, Brazil, almost all European countries, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.

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