Tree Tuesday: Healing Mystical Birch

#treetuesday is a tag inspired by @old-guy-photos.

My tree is a stately birch.
Tall, white and slender.
Not to be broken,
Will only bent in the wind
The green leaves turn gold
Drop off in winter’s cold
The cycle begins agin.
Buds in the spring.

Birch Tree After Leaves Have Fallen


The properties of the birch tree are numerous.

Like most trees it can be used for firewood and the birch tree is a major factor in taking pollution out of the environment.

The bark can be used for writings and drawings. Birch bark is strong like papyrus. Native tribes, who did not have a written language, recorded important events in pictorial form on sheets of birch bark.

Many parts of the tree were used in ancient medicine. i will name a few.

Birch trees have healing properties:

  • Drink the sap from the birch to flush out toxins from the body. The tree should only be tapped for sap in the warm spring.

  • Fungi (mushrooms) that grow on birch trees are traditionally used for many illnesses including cancer.

  • The bark has in it a similar element (methyl salicylate) to aspirin and can be used for headaches and migraines.

White Birch Tree with Fungi


The lovely white bark of the birch tree adds beauty to the landscape. This group of trees are at the edge of my lawn.


Lastly, I have a photo of a birch tree with what looks like a face in the circle on the bark where a limb may have been.

I took the photo on a friend’s lawn. It looked a bit mystical to me.

Face In The Birch


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