My first experience of tandem paragliding in Oludeniz, Turkey

Hello there, friends!

These were long days. Just 2 days ago I came back from vacations, and today I threw myself into my work entirely. Hard to believe, it is just 1 week ago I was in completely different oriental world, full of sound of waves, salty sea waters, mountains and ... Here, it is about the mountains again. I wrote about my first paragliding experience on that very day, and today I think I can write a bit more about it. Probably, it will be useful information for you if you'll decide to take your chance one day.


So. This entertainment is not cheap. In fact, everything you buy through a third party (in my case, it was international (ex-USSR) tour operator Anex tour, which I didn't like by the way), is more expensive than as if you take a little time and book it yourself. Of course, they assure you it is much cheaper and more safe than if you buy it somewhere else, but... Okay. The price was $165, it includes transfer is a small (for 29 people) slow bus, entrance fee to the beach, insurance (it was about $60-65, the bigger part) and the jump itself in tandem with instructor.

The bus drove us to the starting point - Kidrak Beach (Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey). Here you put on closed shoes, if you have not one, you can rent. I think it is important when landing. No other personal belongings are allowed, except mobile and photo camera. But ....

Then, you got into a mini bus with instructors (we got Escape Adventures company) and move up the serpentine to the top (almost) of the Baba Dag mountain (Father mountain). They have mobile app to randomly pick up your tandem pair. They start to spin the wheel, you press stop button, and that's all. You see the name of your instructor.

The starting point is at 2000 meters above sea level. When you are at the site, you are allowed to take last photos with your device, and must put it into a backpack (or how its name), and you are not allowed to take photos on any your device. The reason they give sounds like a legend, but these are the rules. Our guide assured us we will be able to use our own camera. But he was wrong. And their shooting on go pro costs minimum $45, depends on device, yours or theirs.... When you are on the way, of course you'll agree with that price, because it's your first time (in case if), but what if I'd git known about it before booking?...




I may seems insane, but I was expecting more extreme. Our guide said the serpentine is very dangerous, but I had real extreme when driving up our Ukrainian Carpathians in the back of an old military truck. Besides, the start of the jump was not scary at all, as the slope of a mountain has a good pavement and you are not jump, you just smoothly slide down. The guy wasn't expecting I will be so calm, and so do I :D My husband had a bit more excitement, and (as for me) photos of better quality.

In any case, now I am going to try it somewhere else, I even found a paragliding map,hopefully I'll have a chance to try it somewhere else again :) Okay, I run out of words and just let you enjoy the photos (we have videous as well)...

Nick started after me and flew next to me all the time. It was very cool and exciting! But, the guide promised 40 minutes of flying, and that wasn't true as well. Anyway, Turkey is a country that tries your luck all the time, and we were almost ready to it. I think we have been spoiled by Europe :)





!steemitworldmap 36.529589 lat 29.127521 long Kidrak Beach d3scr


Thank you for coming along today, I hope you enjoyed the photographs and found something interesting for you to read! Also, hopefully you also have had an amazing summer, and plenty of wonderful days to enjoy and remember afterwards!

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Best regards,

Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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