
The sunset looks very beautiful with reddish colors that emit glowing light into this universe, the beautiful garden of the Jeulikat reservoir where foreign tourists come to visit this place.
The atmosphere is amazing especially in the afternoon when the beautiful light with bright reddish sunshine and yellow makes visitors very impressed with the beautiful natural scenery of green and green leaves with a very clear water suspension bridge very satisfying and accompanied by pets such as Guda seen in the picture below is extraordinary


This is a beautiful natural scenery in the Jeulikat reservoir where foreign tourists visiting this place are in the North Aceh district.


Saya seolah terpaku dan terpana melihat pemandangan alam yang indah ini. Sungguh maha besar Allah yang menciptakan alam dengan segala keindahannya. Perlahan-lahan mata hari terlihat semakin turun. Seolah-olah ditelan oleh hamparan lautan luas.

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