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Špicer Family Palace - Abandoned Buildings

Špicer Family Palace is located in Beočin, Serbia. It was built in 1898, by wealthy german family. Layout for the building was made by arhitect Steindl Imre (his most famous building is Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest).
Family left Beočin before second world war, and until the end of the war it was used as a building of German command. After the war it was nationalised and used as a library (think this was the best idea for it, it must have looked great), cultural home, radio station and in the end as a restaurant. It is not in use from 1988 but in the last 10 years it is just falling apart.
In 1997 it was declared as cultural monument but nothing was done with it.
All the windows and doors are gone, it looks like the roof fell apart but they made a quick fix on it, does not look great but at least it is dry. Few years ago a german businessman was interested to buy it, but something went wrong and unfortunately did not happen.


I went here with some friends on a scouting mission :D to see is it good for some kind of interesting portrait sessions. Most of my scouting missions end up being just that, but i hope that i will come back there with some interesting idea, because the place is great for a photoshoot.

it could be a horror scene

Colors are really interesting, and the textures are great.







It was used for few movies, and maybe most famous is Kelly's Heroes with Clint Eastwood made 1970. Here are some clips so you can see how the palace looked back in the days.

Here is a short video of how it looks now:
