Bite Bakery Café Oktogon Budapest | Review of our visit


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Introducing Bite Bakery Cafe Oktogon


Bite Bakery Cafe is a nice little cafe located at Oktogon square in Budapest. Not only do they have a great choice of different coffee blends, but you will also find all sorts of delicious products from sweet to savoury snacks and even menus are possible.

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The items above are great examples to take to work with you, when you don't have time for breakfast and have to hurry to work, buy one of the muesli products to take away and you're good to go.

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Although a salad is probably ordered quite often, have a look at the cheesecake products as well, I love how they present them, and one day I will have to try one of them as well. The last products I will show you coming from the Bite Bakery Cafe website is the one with some menu options:

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When I contacted the local bakery bite cafe at Oktogon with a collaboration proposal, they let me know that they are serving fresh products only that are prepared with high quality ingredients. They were more than happy to do a collaboration so we could review the visit.

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Here's what we ordered

The visit took place with Kiely, and we deliberately chose to order different things. Of course I will review my order only, as @kg2020 is going to write her own review about her experience at Bite Bakery Cafe. But I can show you what she ordered as her order was a treat at itself even by looking at it.

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Although I've never tasted the Beetroot chips latte machiato (which looked great because of the colour), I can tell you from my previous experiences that the Cinnamon rolls are delicious! They also have a chocolate roll, and even though I'm a chocolate lover, I prefer the cinnamon flavour. But let's get back to my order, here's what I ordered during our visit:


I ordered a Tiramisu Latte Macchiato and it tasted as expected, coffee with a special flavour and an extra biscuit added for presentation. I enjoyed it and I’m sure I will order this one the next time I’m at Bite Bakery Café.


I have to admit that I was tempted to order something sweet to go with my coffee, but I noticed the all-day breakfast promotion sign with a wonderful picture that made me order the egg instead. A picture can speak a thousand words right?

The presentation of the egg wasn’t that great in real life, which is a shame. But even a simple dish like this can be presented better. My advice in this case would be: Less is more. And with that I mean it’s better to fill up the side without egg with less of the lettuce to make it look more appealing. I know people can pick their own vegetables, so you can change the presentation according to the order so it can match the wonderful presentation of the different coffees you serve.

The egg tasted fine and there was salt and pepper to add to my liking as well. An important thing to mention here is, that the vegetables were fresh. Therefore my only thing I would change here is the presentation. I think the egg (especially when you order more ingredients) would make a fine quick breakfast.

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Some impressions of the Bite Bakery Cafe at Oktogon

I love how they present the products at Bite Bakery Cafe Oktogon, so it's time to share some pictures to show you the cafe. Looking at the fresh products presented, it's quite tempting not too order several things, everything looks fresh and tasty.



You can choose to have a quick coffee and bite here:


Or you sit in the back at normal tables like we did. There are plenty tables in the back, so you can sit there and enjoy your drink and or food for a while, or just have a quick drink and bite in the front of the cafe.

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Bite Bakery Cafe Oktogon gets a 4 out of 5 star rating from me. The employees were all very friendly and customer focussed, which is very important, and I want to thank the employees for the hospitality during our visit. The scoring is only based on my order, and as I mentioned in the review above, the egg was a little bit disappointing compared to the presentation on the picture. Although I'm sure that with a little bit of effort this all-day breakfast offered by the cafe would easily match the presentation of the other products. It's clear that Bite Bakery Cafe works with fresh and high quality ingredients and takes much care of the products they are selling. I would highly recommend you to visit this cafe whenever you're in Budapest.

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Restaurant information

Bite Bakery Cafe
Budapest, Oktogon tér 4, 1067


Website, Facebook, Instagram

It's actually just meters away from the Oktogon tram station (line 4-6) and the Oktogon subway station. If you are in Budapest, just go to Oktogon square and there you will see Bite Bakery Cafe.

Opening Hours

Monday 7AM – 8PM
Tuesday 7AM – 8PM
Wednesday 7AM – 8PM
Thursday 7AM – 8PM
Friday 7AM – 8PM
Saturday 7AM – 8PM
Sunday 7AM – 8PM

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Reviewing this restaurant is done on my initiative with cooperation of Bite Bakery Cafe Oktogon, who were kind enough to sponsor the food and drinks that were reviewed. I've written down my honest opinion even though it was an initiated collaboration. I want to take a moment to thank Bite Bakery Cafe Oktogon for their hospitality.

Are you interested in a collaboration for a review about your cafe, restaurant or other company in Budapest? Don't hesitate to contact me on the following e-mail address:

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