My Final Stop ... the incredible Naples but I will say one thing in the title ... you have to really search for the incredible !!!


One of my favourite pictures from my time in Naples but a few steps need to be completed first ;)!



Day 1!

I left the beloved Rome and headed on the interrail again to Naples to meet my Daddo ! I was so excited just to see a friendly face, as much as I love travelling alone it is kinda nice to see someone you know !!
I got off my train and headed for the exit. I see my Dad with open arms to say Hello :) we got on a bus and headed to the centre!
First impressions of Naples - dirty , Rubbish everywhere and stupid people driving really fast, on scooters and in cars ... even though there is zebra crossings it means nothing to the Italians ! So be careful when heading out onto the roads!

Luckily our hotel ( I know luxury;)- Dad wouldn’t slum it in hostel ) was right near the bus station so we wheeled our cases over the cobbled Street and into our hotel. Air con!!!! It was silly hot !!!

Getting freshened up we headed out for some lunch :) pizza obvs !!!


Mount Vesuvius

Is the famous active volcano In Naples - we didn’t make it there but we did go to Pompeii to see what happened to the city being dug up after the volcano erupted but I thought I’d show you a picture of it from a distance



Or 2!

After chilling in the sun eating pizza we went for a little walk and came across this castle that seemed to be open to the public !! So we decided to have a look around !!!
Check it out ...











You had to walk a few steps to get up to the top and it’s not for the faint hearted !!!! But look over the edge ....

.... you wanna see !?!



We then just headed back to hotel to get ready for dinner out somewhere !!! I know such a luxury being with ya dad haha

I’ve only got tan line pics and sunset pictures to show you here from our rooftop looking over the city but il show you anyway then give you a little load down on the night life ....







Yea the night life ... we thought we’d walk down the Main Street looking for somewhere to eat !!! We must of been walking for over an hour and we couldn’t find anywhere !! Kept looking on my map but was very quiet everywhere I think it’s more of a locals town than tourism even though they is soooo much to see here ! We finally found somewhere down one of the little streets , we sat outside and it was pleasant enough ... heading back to our hotel there was a gelato shop just outside our hotel so we made it a thing each night that’s what we’d get for dessert and sit in the square watching the world go by !!!

Day 2!

Pompeii Day

Heading to the train station after breakfast in the hotel, we figured out where we needed to go ... the huge mass of people helped heading in the same direction !!!! Very popular of course !! It was like the tubes back in London but worse and old trains !! But the scenery was pretty amazing on the way down and the music being played in the next carriages !!!!

We’d got our tickets and headed to find our guide!!! Don’t recommend these enough honestly!! Other wise your taking pictures of things that mean nothing !!!!

All I say is just go!!! Il show you a few pictures but honestly you can’t go to Naples without going to Pompeii !!! It’s a must !!!










So many stories that you’ve gotta go hear for yourselves !!!

Next stop was lunch in a cute restaurant on your way out back to the station ... lots of little market stalls but look At these ...




Beautiful !

Dinner that evening was abit more successful we actually looked at the map more and discovered we hadnt really been looking down the Main Street the first night !!!

We had this to start which Was amazing


And then I had steak and dad had tuna steak - beautiful !!! And it was really busy with families and couples that were local even a couple of older ladies catching up over red wine ! So we knew we had come to the right place !!!!

Day 3 my favourite !!!!!

Napoli Sotterranea (Naples Underground)

Honestly properly the most fascinating thing I’ve ever been too.


I’ve just been on google maps for you to see if I can find where we went in as we came out a different way ! More on that later !!! But if you come to the square, go off to the right down a little street you’ll find it ... when you buy your tickets it will give you an address :)

We went into another lot of underground ruins — a church , first it was part of the ticket ... it was ok but the main event was to come at 3pm - we had a time slot we google mapped where it was and headed in that direction. It was down a side street off like a main square ... all the doors were locked up. Dad and I turned to each other and were like well this is it I guess we just wait ... more or less 5 minutes later more people started to turn up !!! We thought well we must be in the right place but still doesn’t look promising but we waited until our slotted time!

One of the tour guides opened a set of double doors at dead on 3pm ! Led you in to scan our tickets and set us up in front of a video about the tour!

We set off in groups not really knowing what to expect but my god it was amazing ... like highly recommended to everyone I know going to Naples! Il show you a few pictures but I can’t tell you anything about it but trust me on this one ... GO !!!



This was the first one ^^ this was the ruins of shops found after the eruption







All the rusty old cars and bikes were chucked down there covering from the police
And in the Second World War it was used a as air shelf. Honestly my favourite experience I think of my Italy trip !! Just go when you visit Naples !

Before I go I’ve got to tell you about us leaving the underground city !! We came out onto the street but didn’t recognise it ! Obviously didn’t come out the way we came in!!! It seemed the only way to get through was along a main road through a tunnel!! We walked as fast as we could as it was dark and noisy and the cars definitely didn’t slow down!!! I felt like Elf in the Lincoln tunnel in New York!!! But then I saw light ! Literally at the end of the tunnel !! We were out ! Thank goodness!!!! We were on abit of a high after that as it was so awesome we decided to go for an afternoon beer and cool down before doing abit of souvenir shopping before having to go back to get ready for our final meal !! We actually noticed all the food in this restaurant we went into for a drink and thought looks lush we will come back here for dinner and that’s what we did :)




After dinner we had our last lot of gelato :( and headed back to the hotel to make sure everything was packed for the morning ...

So it saddened me to say but that’s the end of my Italian Interrail Trip ( honestly the interrail is 100% the way to travel round Italy )

We’ve been through
🇮🇹 Milan
🇮🇹 Venice
🇮🇹 Florence
🇮🇹 Rome

Travelling is properly my favourite thing to do! And literally 2 weeks after getting back from Italy 🇮🇹 I had a week in Pefkos in Rhodes in Greece 🇬🇷 booked!!!

So that will be my next blog before I come back to 2020 !!! Before all this craziness kicked off @tomatom and I managed to squeeze in 5 days in Amsterdam :)! Yep that’s right I didn’t travel alone I had a new travelling buddy and boyfriend ;)!

So tune back in to hear all about Pefkos soon

One last thing

GO TO ITALY 🇮🇹!!!! I will be going back! I definitely have a few more places I want to go :)

Thank you for reading 📖

Be safe , stay at home ( for now )

Kate x

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