Traveling with Loka -Byron Bay

Dear viewers, I am now home from my travels and had the time of my life! Now I can share the rest of my adventures continuing on from my last post -Spot X.

My next stop was Byron Bay, it's located on the East coast of Australia between Sydney and Brisbane. This place is one of the few where I'd happily live the rest of my life. There's just something about it, the vibe is so chilled. Everyone seems happy and you have some of the longest waves to surf on possible! I'll try my best to share what I experienced.

Fisrt off the location, its a beautiful bay with a nice beach which is both great for simply chilling out and also has some really nice waves to surf on. In fact the waves here are here are some of the longest waves I've come across and watching the pro's surfers do their thing is mesmerizing to watch. Speaking of which, it's an amazing surfing spot as there's all kinds of waves.

There are a few things to do at Byron Bay one of which that I chose was to go sea Kyaking and spot some dolphins. I haven't got any pictures but ho estly pictures can't sum up the experience. It's just incredible. They'll also teach you to surf with a Kayak which is really fun way of getting back to the beach!

Me during my Dolphin Kyaking expeince

Then there's the lighthouse walk which can take 40 minutes or so depending on how fast you are. When I was there it was whale season and far away in the distance you can see the whales jumping out the water all over the place! It was an incredible sight to see on your way to the top.
Image Source
Imagine this 3 times further away but with multiple whales spring up all over the place. It's magical!

With this being said, the main reason people go up to the lighthouse is to watch the sunset. ![image]( And what a sunset it was!

Ok this picture is off my instagram so there is a bit of a filter but these have none.

Most of the "tourists" just take pictures then leave. I watched the sky go through a whole spectrum of colours before the stars came out.

But for me, these are the images that will hopefully stay with me forever. I was sitting on the rocks, in Flip Flops and shorts listening to the waves calmly sweep in whilst watching the surfers catch the last few waves of the day. ![image]( ![image]( People were happy, sharing stories. I had locals approach me and ask me where I was from, where I'd been. What I'd done. Everyone was sensibly having a few drinks on the rocks, there was nothing bad about that moment. Not even the risk of falling off bothered me as the sea was so calm. ![image](

For the first time in my life I felt free and at peace.

This was my last night in Byron Bay and I will treasure my time there forever.

Thank you for reading, please like or share this post to show your support. I really appreciate it.

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