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Where In The World Is Steem-Samiam #4??

TERRA COTTA WARRIORS....The 8th Wonder of the World !!!!


This magnificent history was found by accident in 1974. A farmer was digging a well on his property when he found pieces of clay. The pieces were part of a massive mausoleum for Emperor Qin.

restoration.jpgOpposing forces raided and ransacked the tombs, leaving an enormous job to restore.

terra collage.jpg Shows the intricacy of restoration.....................Shows the brilliant colors each warrior had.


Each warrior is an EXACT replica of the real person! There has been over 8000 warriors, over 100 chariots, and horses unearthed.

rsz_1rsz_all_pics_off_lanas_iphone_922.jpgChariots and horses

rsz_1rsz_all_pics_off_lanas_iphone_1285_2half.jpg Follow me....
For another Where In The World Is Steem-Samiam ?????