Lost history in Seoul and Sorry to the History

I met my friend to have a dinner. It was a second day of my itinerary after the retirement.
I walked along the street to go to the coffee shop where we promised to see.
Suddenly I noticed a small board on which pimatgol’피맛골’ was written.
The word ‘pimatgol’ means that escaping from the horses.

For a long time ago, the ordinary people were not allowed to walk the main street.
Main Street was road for the novel class, so common people should walk along the backyard alley to escape from the horses.

Naturally the Pimatgol became the ordinary people’s alley.
There were small snack bars and shops. There were very complicated places.
It had been more than 600 years.

I also had bought the lunch when I was young and poor student. Sometimes me and my friends had met at the Pimatgol and had the humble lunch. At that time I was happy.

The board guided me into the past, so I walked into the Pimatgol thinking the past.
But the Pimatgol was not that pimatgol where I have remembered.

There were no more snack bars and people. The shops were closed.

I felt sorry about the Pimatgol. The history of 600 years happened to be disappeared.
Maybe young generation could not remember or understand that the pimatgol means.

With a severe heart, I passed through the Pimatgol.
As coming closer to the Insadong area, the atmosphere was changing.
Finally I arrived at the restaurant where we promised to meet.

The Insadong alley was clean and well decorated.

On the contrary the Pimatgol seemed to be abandoned.

I don’t Know why Seoul city government did not care for the Pimatgol.
I entered into the restaurant with a feeling of sorry.

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