Senstless Family 2021 Summer Road Trip Day 8 - Sun Rise at Clingsman Dome, Hiking Andrews Bald and Driving!!


This is by Far the biggest road trip we have taken!!!

I know this happened back in May, but I am finally able back to blogging and decided this would be a fun one to revisit and share. We did a 10 day road trip - and drove over 3000 miles!! We had a ton of fun and did something new everyday.

Bad news is I some how lost my log book for the trip that tracked times, miles and gallons of gas bought. Oh well. I do have the financial break down. Even with driving, free hotels, and not eating out.... I still don't want to revisit the carnage of spending.

Did you Say Sunrise

Yup we are back at it, and early this time. We had to get up and get in the truck by 4am, so I we could drive an hour with the rest of the crazies to Clingmans dome... Right in the middle . Here is what we had to drive at 4am in the pitch black!


This was a pretty long drive just to see a Sunrise, but it is already proven that we are a little Senstless... or nuts... whatever. We got there late... not for the sun rise but for getting a good spot to stand on the platform, so I couldn't get great shots. Plus shooting right into the sun is hard. It was only 25 miles one way, but that was at least 50 Miles of driving before my drive in the afternoon.

Here are some sunrise photos.





Hiking Andrews Bald

After the sunrise we wanted to do a bit of hiking. Right off the parking lot was several trails and we picked Andrews Bald, it seems like a good length and would give us enough time to check out some other areas. I think it was about 1.8 Miles, I don't remember if that was one way or round trip. Oh well.

Beautiful Trail


The Vista Overlook


After hiking, we did some more driving through and looking for other trails and overlooks. We stopped at every wide spot we could in the road to take photos.

Random Vistas




Bumming Around the Smoky Mountains

We stopped along the rivers, and streams. We checked out every spot that looked cool, and we took all the driving road trips we could find and fit in. We did have a bit of a drive left so we had to make sure we hit the road around 4pm.

Driving to Cave City

  • 230 Miles
  • 4 Hrs 15M


After a full day, and getting up and on the road by 4am it was not great to pile into the truck and drive for over 4 hours to our next city, but knowing that the end is near makes it a little easier. We got the hotel and grabbed some dinner and crashed hard. The next day was an easy day... well sorta easy. Ok, typical, early up, lots of fun at the activities and then driving.

Vacation Stats

Day 1 - Drive to Sandusky

  • 575 Miles
  • 9 Hrs

Day 2 - Drive to Kitty Hawk

  • 678 Miles
  • 12 Hrs

Day 3 Explore Kitty Hawke

  • Sunrise
  • Beach time
  • Bodie Island Lighthouse
  • Airplane ride

Day 4 - Hang Gliding!

  • Sunrise
  • Beach Time
  • Hang Gliding
  • Shopping/Beach/Pier Fishing

Day 5 - Sunrise and Drive to Myrtle Beach

  • Sunrise
  • 300 Miles to North Myrtle Beach
  • More Beach Time

Day 6 - Sunrise Myrtle Beach - Beach Time and Sky Wheel

  • Sunrise
  • NO DRIVING ( Well just around Myrtle Beach Area)
  • Sky Wheel
  • Shopping

Day 7 - Drive to Gatlinburg and Sky Bridge

  • Sunrise (err clouds)
  • Drive 7 hours to Gatlinburg
  • Sunset Sky Bridge Viewing

Day 8 Cingsmans Dome, Hiking and Driving!!

  • Sunrise at Clingsmans Dome
  • Hiking Andrews Bald
  • Driving to Cave City

Vacation Stats

  • Total Miles - 2170
  • Total Time Driving - 36+ Hrs


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