Latvia is a country located in the temperate climate zone, in Northern Europe, and near the Baltic sea. Because of that, Latvia has four pronounced seasons (summer, autumn, spring, and winter) but sometimes weather can be very unpredictable. And that’s completely understandable why other tourists are always asking me – when is the best time to visit Latvia? But you know what – while visiting this country sometimes weather isn’t even important! Latvia is having something special in every season, so you don’t need always sun and +30 degrees like in Turkey. Let me show you Latvias charm in every season!



Summer in Latvia is one of my favorite times, but it’s not because of fact ‘’it’s a summer’’. In Latvia tourism isn’t like in Turkey or Croatia where the water reaches +27 degrees, but air +40 degrees and you sleep all day by the sea. In Latvia, you can meet summer in June, July, and August. The average air temperature is +20 degrees, but it can also some days go up till +30 degrees and fall down till +12 degrees (especially in nights). When to catch the warmest days no one actually knows, because the weather in Latvia can be unpredictable. There can also suddenly come rain or thunderstorm. But don’t worry! It’s not like the weather is changing every single day. And it’s not like the cold or thunderstorm is staying a long time.


It’s one of the most amazing treasures what this country is having. Latvia has more than 2000 lakes, more than 12 000 rivers, 531 km long golden sand coast and half of the land is covered with woods. Impressive right? That’s why summer is the right time when to travel around Latvia with campings, visit different cities, swim in rivers, lakes and in the sea, visit National Parks and beautiful city parks. Going to Latvia in summer feels like going to Mother Nature.. everything is green and wonderful.

SMART TIP: Two summers I have traveled through Latvia with camping and it was one of my best decisions! I am recommend it to everyone! It’s cheap, you can see a lot and enjoy Latvias nature!


Festivals and events
Yeah, Latvians aren’t just enjoying nature but also making fun in summer! Starting with a small city and town festivals in every corner and ending with large few-day festivals with more than 35 000 audiences. Everything for crazy single ones and families with children. One of the most popular Latvian festivals is ‘’Positivus’’, ‘’Summer Sound’’, ‘’Riga Opera Festival’’, ‘’Riga City Festival’’ and ‘’’Jomas Street Fest’’. Beside of festivals, very active is working ‘’Dzintari Concert Hall’’ in Jurmala near the sea, giving the most different and interesting concerts and shows almost every single day! You can find festivals and events in Latvia for every interest.



Midsummer celebration
In Latvian it’s called ‘’Līgo / Jāņi’’ and it’s one of the most important Latvian traditional celebrations ever! I believe that’s also worth to visit Latvia to only see, feel and participate in this magical celebration. Midsummer is in 23 / 24 of June. People are celebrating than the shortest night and the longest day of the year. In these days cities are normally empty, everyone with their families and friends is celebrating Līgo / Jāņi in the countryside, sitting by a bonfire, drinking beer, grilling meat, eating traditional cheese, singing Midsummer folk songs and doing different traditions. Tourists can always find some Midsummer festivals where to feel that magical atmosphere.

One very important thing is natural decorations and flower wreath. Every plant and herb that person puts in their wreath gives some special skills or luck. The most important part of this celebration is waiting all night long till the sunrise! You can’t go to sleep before the sun has gone up! But, while waiting till sunrise Latvian people are searching for ‘’fern blossom’’. Till nowadays no one actually knows are fern in this one night really blooming or not, but at least all Latvian knows, that who was ‘’very good searching for fern blossom’’ after 9 months will get a bloom (if you know what I mean, haha)! Midsummer is the most magical celebration of the year! Also my favorite celebration!





Autumn in Latvia you can meet in September, October, and November. In September there still will be more or less a good average temperature from +10 till even +20 degrees. In October it will be only about +10 degrees but in November only about 0 degrees. In Autumn sky is more grey than normally, it rains more often, is windy and nights are cold (it can also go under 0 degrees). In November you can sometimes even meet the first snow.

SMART TIP: I am recommending to visit Latvia in September and October but not in November. November is too cold, grey and muddy. No one likes November, also not Latvians.

Golden nature
Latvia is well known for its picturesque golden autumn. It’s a time in the year when trees leaves change their colors to red, orange, yellow and golden across all country. During a walk through cities and parks, you can catch so many beautiful moments and pictures. It’s also one of the most beautiful time for a wedding. Golden autumn is always coming to visit Latvia in October. Usually in the middle and at the end of October. In this time many tourists and locals are visiting cities like Sigulda, Cesis, Valmiera where are the best golden colors. It’s one of the most beautiful times of the year.


Mushroom season
But late August and September are for true nature lovers! I mean, those nature lovers who like long walks in the forest and searching for the best berries and mushrooms! Yes, you understand me right, early autumn is that time of the year when people like crazy are conquering forests. Cars are parked on both sides of the road in the middle of nowhere and forests are full of locals and tourists. It’s a very relaxing and nice walk. I also love to do it every autumn, if I am having a chance. And believe me, mushroom sauce from self searched and picked mushrooms taste better than from the bought ones! And what a good feeling you have after this walk with so many mushrooms in your basket!

SMART TIP: If you don’t know mushrooms – buy a mushroom guide because some of them can be poisonous. Also don’t forget about insect spray, safe and warm closing, sporty and waterproof shoes, basket, knife, water and map or phone with navigation.



Winters in Latvia are always cold, dark and sometimes very muddy (especially, when day temperature is a little bit over 0 degrees, but in nights under 0 degrees). But dark it’s because the sun is shining only till 16 o’clock. Winter typically is in December, Januar, and February, but sometimes can last till mid-March. Earlier winter in Latvia was very snowy all 3 months, but last years December was mostly rainy, temperature from –10 till 0 degrees, muddy and cold. Januar and Februar are having a normal Latvian winter where temperature can go down also till –30 degrees (yes, that’s a normal Latvian winter). Luckily, it’s the time with snow and that’s the best part of Latvia’s winter!


Snow fun
Latvians are having winter at least 3 months, and sometimes even longer, therefore they know what to do with it! In wintertime in Latvia you can try a variety of winter sports and activities like:

  • Ice-skating on a frozen lake or indoor
  • Soft-bob riding (bobsleigh)
  • Cross country or mountain skiing
  • Snowboarding
  • Hiking
  • Husky dog sledding
  • Horseback riding
  • Ice fishing
  • Sleds slipping
  • Snowmen building (yes, that’s also very important!)

And I believe that there are more what to do and try! But finally, after outdoor activities, it’s worth to visit one of Latvia’s SPA and Wellness center with some good sauna, swimming pool, and massage. It’s a very remarkable experience, what’s especially popular in the winter season. Some SPA’s are even having a window-wall, where you can look at how it snows while sitting in a hot jacuzzi. It’s my winter perfection and the best way how to relax!

Christmas celebration
If in summer you have Midsummer, then in winter – Christmas celebration. That’s also a very special and important celebration for Latvians. Everyone starts to preparing for Christmas as soon as possible – decorating the houses inside and outside, decorating Christmas tree, searching and buying presents for loved ones, writing letters to Santa Claus (that do mostly children) and choosing the best meals for Christmas dinner. Every city turns into a beautiful light and Christmas sculpture wonderland. You can visit Christmas markets, buy souvenirs, try Latvian snacks, mulled wine and traditional food. And if you are lucky enough to visit Latvia in Christmas time with snow, ohh, believe me, you will never forget how beautiful it was!



I think you have already from the title understood what’s the problem with spring! It always comes to Latvia very slowly and even if you are sure, that it’s already here, unexpectedly spring can turn you its back! Officially spring in Latvia is in March, April, and May, but in reality first two months spring is slooooooowly arriving. Temperature is from 0 till +15 degrees, it can be snowy, rainy, windy, grey and again muddy. Even in April there can suddenly one-day fall snow, but the next day be warm and sunny. Luckily, May is the time when spring finally arrives! It gets warmer and warmer, sometimes even till +20 degrees, everything starts to bloom and flourish. Sun is shining higher, days are becoming longer, nature greener and people – happier. It’s the right time for taking long walks in parks, by the sea, and through the city. It’s the right time to visit Latvia!

Even if you decide to visit Latvia in March or April and weather isn’t making you happy, remember that there are a lot of interesting things to do indoor, like relaxing in a SPA or aqua park, visit museums, try new tastes in different restaurants, go up to Riga TV tower and see the capital from the above and visit Latvian castles.



I had a chance to see Latvia in all 4 seasons and not only for a few days but also for weeks and months. For myself, I have understood that most of all I like to visit Latvia in June when there’s Midsummer celebration, then in May and July. Winter isn’t my season because for me it’s just too cold (except if I am sitting in the jacuzzi and looking to winter through the window). But if a person hadn’t ever seen the snow in their life, then it’s a very good decision to visit Latvia exactly in January or February. It all depends on you – on what you want! But at least I am sure for one thing – in every season you can find something worth to travel to Latvia!


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