Bavaria is the oldest and the largest state in Germany and one of the oldest states in Europe. For over 100 years Bavaria was a kingdom and that powerful atmosphere you can still feel and see by visiting this state. It’s a beloved destination for travelers from all over the world. Also for me and my family. Let me show you in this post what we visited and how much it cost in Bavaria!
MAIN INFORMATION: as Bavaria is a wide state and there’s a lot to see, so we decided to take an apartment in Memmingen – the closest town to all the places we wanted to visit. We traveled together 5 persons and choose an apartment with a big kitchen, 2 bedrooms, large balcony, and parking place. All we wanted for only 440 EUR. Our travel begins in Berlin, Germany by car (Audi A6, 3.0 diesel). Total costs for fuel was 200 EUR. And one more important detail – we traveled in Easter time, it means, that most shops weren’t working because the celebration in Germany means celebration, not working.

Travel duration: 3 nights / 4 days
Number of travelers: 5
Apartment costs: 440 EUR (per person 88 EUR)
Fuel costs: 200 EUR (per person 40 EUR)



As we knew that most shops will not work, one of our most important tasks was to prepare food for holidays and we decided to do that in Bavaria, Memmingen. In the first day, all the shops were working, so we started our trip at 8 o’clock and we were driving just straight to Memmingen. At the place, we shopped food for the next few days, took a look at some clothing stores and hardware stores. We took a wonderful walk in Memmingen’s small town center and streets. For food and drinks, we all paid separately. Someone wanted more sweets, someone meat, and someone alcohol. But on average every person spends about 25 EUR. As we know Germans traditional food, our interest was eating less in a restaurant, but more on our balcony.

Summary: 25 EUR p.p.


The day starts early in the morning by preparing take-away sandwiches and going to one wonderful place – Lindau. That’s a small town near the lake – Bodensee. It’s a very special place because lake Bodensee is located in the middle of 3 countries – Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Perfect place for walking, exploring, relaxing and enjoying. That’s what we did! Also, we took a boat tour for 1 hour (11 EUR) and ate big ice cream (5.90 EUR). Parking place for a whole day cost 8 EUR (1,60 EUR p.p.). After exploring Lindau and Bodensee we had a small pause, eating our early prepared sandwiches and going to our next stop.

Ottobeuren – a very small village located near Memmingen but special with its basilica – the Benedictine Abbey. It’s something that needs to be seen at least once in your life! I just can’t explain that beauty. Literally, it makes you speechless. And after viewing this beauty we took a walk around this tiny village center, enjoying views. Everything is for free and we are ready for our evening walk.

After a day full of adventures and emotions, an evening walk in Memmingen center is the right choice. We found one beautiful rooftop restaurant, where we all took a drink and enjoyed Memmingen in sunset twilight. One cocktail – 6,90 EUR.

Summary: 25,40 EUR p.p.


Our most beautiful destination – Neuschwanstein Castle, one of the worlds most known, popular and visited destinations. It’s a live fairy tale castle in the middle of the mountains. Fascinating! Going up takes about 30 minutes by feet and then more 15 minutes to get to a special bridge between two mountains from where you can see the castle. Wandering around Neuschwanstein Castle costs nothing, only your energy! You need to pay only if you want to see the castle from inside, but we didn’t want – there were like thousands of people who were waiting for their turn to buy a ticket and later – to get inside a castle. It took around 1 to 2 hours. So, for us, it was enough to take few-hour-free walking-tour, not few-hour-waiting-tour, haha. We only bought a souvenir from this place. My magnet cost 4 EUR.

The second part of the day we decided to spend in Oberstdorf – a characterful village in the middle of Bavarian mountains. Very photogenic, relaxing and beautiful place near the border with Austria. On the way to this village accidentally we found one working shop (which was working only 2 hours in this day but we was exactly at the time). In this interesting shop, we found a lot of Bavarian and Austrian alcohol. A huge assortment with drinks that we all saw first in our lives. Interesting taste liqueurs, rums, and wines. Of course, I took something to give a try (7,63 EUR).

When getting to Oberstdorf, at first we found some restaurant to take a mean. Unfortunately, as it was an Easter holiday, also a lot of restaurants wasn’t working. But we found one! My meal included potatoes, fish, dessert and white wine (14,68 EUR). After we took a long and slow walk around this beautiful Bavarian village. We found some working souvenir shops and a small market. I bought a real Bavarian cheese and some other Bavarian snacks (9,91 EUR).

Summary: 36,22 EUR p.p.



The day when packed our belongings and souvenirs and we were ready to get back to Berlin. As we didn’t have any food left at first we get to some food stores and bought something for breakfast and for our 7 hour trip back to Berlin. Breakfast, walking through Memmingen one more time, some souvenirs and our holidays in Bavaria was over. In the last day, I spend about 20 EUR.

Summary: 20 EUR p.p.


Four days in Bavaria (including fuel and apartment costs) for 1 person is about 234,62 EUR. For one day it is 58,65 EUR and I think it’s very, very friendly price because Bavaria isn’t the cheapest German state. Anyway, I know that we saved a lot of money eating at home and taking some sandwiches with. We just weren’t interested in eating at restaurant BUT it’s also a good idea for you how to travel cheaper and maximal save your money! I hope you enjoyed my post! For more questions, I am always open!

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