RE: The cheap, Healthy, (not so) secret place in Europe to live!

Ohh my goodness @vegantales, you made me so excited, thank you sooo much for sharing your experience! I'm from Hungary, and I love travelling, especially escaping from the cold winter. I'm aways searching for new loctians where I should spend those cold months. I came to Mexico last February and I basically got stuck here since then coz I fell in love with it, but I'm going back to Hungary for the summer and then want to go somewhere else in September again. I was thinking about Asia, but now I concider going to Portugal instead. You really inspired me with your post, thank you so much again!
I resteem your post too, to promote it on Steemit, becuse it's a very helpful and intereting post that many Steemians should see. Keep up the good job!!
I'm also posting about some of my travels, by the way, but I mostly share my healthy vegan recipes. Check them out if you want :)
Take care!

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