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Second Airport - Todays Travel Series - Atlanta

I just landed in Atlanta and I'm awaiting at my next gate for the giant airbus to start loading. This is a big plane.

The last flight wasnt very crowded and the window seat next to me was empty. I dont like flying on very crowded planes. I am supposed to get a dinner meal on this next flight but airplane food usually isnt that great. I stopped real quick and picked up a salad to take with me.

I've never been to Amsterdam so that will be cool to now say I've been there even if I never did leave the airport.

Unlike the Arkansas airport, the Atlanta airport is huge! Fortunately, maps are directions are everywhere.

This piece of artwork was hanging up near my loading gate. What in the world??

More artwork hanging in the terminal. They have a lot of art and museum type stuff to see around the Atlanta terminals. At least I'm not bored.

This airport is a lot busier and lots more people.

The giant airbus that I'm about to get on. The picture does not do this plane justice in regard to its true size.

Thats it for now. I will try and post again when I get to the Netherlands.
Take care steemit. Alt coins are doing wonderful today and Im enjoying the show on coin market cap while I travel.

See you in about 9 hours!
