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Why I Quit My Job And Now Moving To The Mountains In Norway

What do you do when life moves so fast, you just want to hit PAUSE and get off? Well, this is what I just did.

It all started this summer. I spent two weeks in our family house in the north of Norway, in a tiny, tiny place called Sigerfjord, in Vesterålen. I am from Stavanger, which is in the south-west, and has over 200 000 people living there. In Sigerfjord there is around 700 people.

Our house has a pretty nice location, next to the fjord.

My friends and I had a great time, and I felt like I was in a "happy place". My grandfather, who was my hero, was from Sigerfjord, and maybe I felt like I was a bit closer to him, being there. I knew that after those two weeks, my life would involve a super busy (but fun) full-time job and also busy part-time master studies. I felt a bit choked, and was not happy with the situation I had put myself in. Why sign up for a master's program when life already is too busy? All out of sudden, I realized I could actually choose to not have that life. So in a blink of an eye, I made a decision: I was quitting my job and moving to beautiful Sigerfjord.

Here is my cousin who also lives there, and me, almost at the top of Stortinden, at 2 am. (During the summer the sun never goes down. Oh, and now, at winter, the sun never comes up ...) Sigerfjord is aaall the way down there.

So far, I have not regretted my decision, and I am sure that life is about to get a lot better. My friend wanted join, so the two us are packing our cars, and traveling by boat next Saturday. What to expect - I really do not know, but I can not wait to live close to the fjords, next to the mountains and under the Northern Light. Feel free to follow me on this adventure :)

Picture taken by @svk from our trip this summer. This is Kvalvika in Lofoten, which is just hours away from Vesterålen.

Oh; and who am I? Karianne, 30 years old, freelance journalist who loves friends, traveling, relaxing, being outdoor and laughing. Working on getting my MBA-degree and living my dream at the same time.