Rafting on the fast rivers of Barinas

In this opportunity I want to tell you about an adventure I made, which lasted 3 wonderful days in the city of Barinas - Venezuela. It is about an extreme sport called Rafting.

This trip was very well planned, I left from the airport of Puerto Ordaz - Venezuela, to the airport of Barinas, it was a very calm trip and without inconveniences.

When I arrived in Barinas, I went directly to the passenger terminal of land transport, in the same I took a bus that went to a town called La Acequia, at the entrance of the town I was waiting for the representatives of the company in charge of the camp and other participants, we climbed aboard a 4x4 truck and headed towards the base camp, the tour lasted approximately 30 minutes.

At the Manuel Carlos Piar - Puerto Ordaz airport, minutes before leaving for Barinas.


When we arrived at the camp we were very well received with the attention and warmth that many of us look for when we go sightseeing, they gave us a little tour of the facilities and then they took us to our rooms where we slept those 3 nights, as it was already 6: 00 pm and we were informed that the dinner would be served at 7:00 p.m. We proceeded to take a bath and go for dinner, after dinner we all went to rest since for the next day we had prepared a long day and extremely good.

We started the next day with a delicious breakfast, then they showed us the place again calmly and with more details, the camp is very beautiful and with lots of vegetation everywhere, having the majestic river of the canal beside and animals like peacocks and several huge dogs, places of entertainment; In general with everything you need to spend a few days quiet, breathing fresh air and peace in the environment.

Part of what is the camp, its animals, entertainment and food.


We continued with a good introduction class to rafting, they gave us indications on what should be done in case of any eventuality (emergency) in the fast waters, how to handle the situation, how to control and manage the rafts. They showed us the personal protection equipment to place it and continue to the river where they taught us the practice of level 1 rafting, it consists of sailing 3 kilometers in not so fast waters and with guides everywhere pending of everything, in the same we learned how to manage and control the raft, how to rescue those who fall to the rapids and upload them to the raft, what positions we must take when falling into the water and everything necessary to advance to level 3. We arrive at a place in specific where the 3 kilometers were met and we left the water, we took the rafts, the implements and we boarded the truck where they moved us to the camp again.

After putting on my safety equipment.

Before starting the great adventure


The group learning how to control and manage the rafts

Alternating groups to learn from everyone


In the camp we bathed, we had lunch and we rested for a while, at around 4:00 a recreational activity was waiting for us, which was to climb a 13-meter wall, it was very funny since not everyone could reach the top, which They arrived and gave them prizes (sweets). That moment was great, we shared with all the participants and we met. At the end we took a bath, we rested and went to dinner to then share a little while and rest.

Climbing wall

Reaching the top of the wall


The next day we started with a good breakfast, a basic abseiling course and rafting level 3 and 4, then proceeded to go to the practice of these extreme sports, first we made a descent by a platform specially designed for abseiling to reach A kayak where they took us to the river bank to put on our life-saving vest and continue until the approximate 7 kilometers of our second day of rafting which was majestic, full of adrenaline, action and lots of fun.

Platform where we launched in Rápel a day before


Putting the safety implements and securing everything to lower

Going down in Rápel

Arriving at last

With the group before going down


Here begins the adrenaline in those fast hahaha

Pure and good adrenaline, at this moment is where you think if you turn the raft or not

The most extreme moments of the tour


Halfway there we found a suspension bridge, we stopped and started throwing ourselves from it, which was very exciting.

Moments when I jumped off the bridge


After finishing the tour very happy and proud of having done it with all success


After finishing the tour we went to the camp where we bathed, had lunch and spent the afternoon sharing and having a good time as a group.
The next day we got up, had breakfast, took our things and went home.

I hope you like my story and enjoy this trip as I did.

To the people who read this publication, I say: "With all your heart, do not stop trying, dreams come true when we decide to realize them, life is one and you have to live it to the fullest, all these experiences mark our lives and remain engraved in our hearts forever." "What we take away are memories, traveling and knowing is the best thing to do in life."


Note: All the photographs are my responsibility and were taken with my Samsung CL80 camera and a Go Pro.

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