Come with me on a Eurotrip. Venice, you soo beautiful! Part#2

Hello Steemians!

If you have been following my Euro trip so far you know that I made it to beautiful Venice! 😍
The road there was as magnificent as the place it self, have a short timelapse:

Loads of mountains and tunnels as long as 6km

Next fun fact upon arriving in Venice the air temp in the shadow was 37 degrees C. So quite the change from northern Latvia for me.

##Pop quiz - answers you will find at the end of the post:

  1. How many islands is Venice situated upon
  2. How many bridges total it has?
  3. How big is the population there?

So about getting from the parking to the actual historical part of Venice - there is no way about it only option is boat taxi
Plus side it is a ride packed with views like this:
(SORRY for filming like an idiot)

Downside it is on the expensive side

Here are some of my pics so far:

On one of the bridges which are a stunning piece of history
I do love a huge icecream selection as well in the hot weather!
The main square

Doge's Palace ((Italian: Palazzo Ducale) I am not shitting you that is how it actually translates
**Overall I had a splendid time, definitely recommend to visit if you are in Italy you will not regret it :)) **

##Pop quiz - answers here:

  1. It is situated across a group of 118 small islands
  2. The city has 417 bridges
  3. In 2014, 264,579 people resided in Comune di Venezia

I hope you enjoyed the trip so far, I am heading to the other coast of Italy now, stay tuned :)


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