
Each one of us have our own food preferences. But would you know how to test what your ultimate favorite is? Say you are to die tomorrow, what will you wish to eat today?

For me GOTO is on top of my list. We've eaten in way too many food places serving both and when asked by family and friends, we thought we already are experts in recommending where you can have the best of both worlds. Or so we thought. Not until today.

Heard too much raves about Goto Tendon in several food groups. And when we learned they opened their very first 24×7 restaurant in Mandaluyong, we felt it's about time to see what the fuss is all about. Really. You just feel it.




Aside from the hip interiors and a comfortable cool room, what would catch anyone's attention is the open kitchen and the flashy menu board. The authentic brick walls and the comfy fixtures give you a homey vibe.

Everything including the rest room were spotlessly clean. This, for me, is one attribute which makes you crave and want to eat more.


Don't be fooled by its name. There truly is more than Goto at Goto Tendon! We literally had a feast! We started off with a huge bowl of LOMI TENDON. And when I say huge, it's really huge! It's good for about 2-3 people. Hot and flavorful noodle soup made more sticky by beef tendons garnished with eggs, fish balls, toasted garlic, vegetables and chicharon bits. What a way to start!




And then came the rice meals. BEEF TAPA, LIEMPO, CHICKEN BARBECUE, SIZZLING SISIG and PORK ADOBO RICE. All were equally good but I had to say the PORK ADOBO stood out. It was a first for us to try a combination of crispy pulled pork flakes and super soft pork belly chunks with fried egg blending perfectly with heaps of heavenly Adobo Rice. It was how our Lola would cook it. We had a sure-fire winner here!




As if all these weren't enough torture to our happy taste buds, we were also served their SIZZLING BURGER STEAK with its patty made of 100% Beef and of course, how can we miss the SIZZLING TENDON! The melt-in-your-mouth collagen-rich tendons found a true match in the savoury mushroom gravy!

And now the STAR OF THE SHOW! You may opt for the Tendon or Beef but for me, it has to be both! The BEEF TENDON PARES! Let's begin with the soup. Basic clear soup. It tasted Beef. Not Beef Cubes. The Fried Rice was cooked just right and topped with crunchy garlic bits. Garlic bits made out of garlic peeled, pounded and fried. Not the garlic bits from you-know-where. AND the fork-tender BEEF and TENDONS with its rich sweet-salty sauce! Oh-Em-Gee! I really can die tomorrow! Believe me. Just thinking about it now makes me drool! And please. For those who love everything spicy, don't forget to ask for their chili-garlic oil! I can't think of any other condiment which will complete this meal other than this.



And what will cap-off this gastronomic bliss? NIYEBE Desserts! Who can resist these heaven-sent MAIZ CON NIYEBE and TURON CON NIYEBE! What sets them apart from your regular iced desserts? Aside from the ultra-smooth Leche Flan and toppings making use of only fresh ingredients, their flavored milky powdery-fine shaved ice is a must-try! The step of mixing the ice and milk with your dessert spoon was obviously omitted! Undoubtedly, the dessert of desserts and will surely give your sweet tooth an awesome treat!


If there's a rating of more than 5 stars, the entire Goto Tendon staff and even Manong Guard deserve to have it. They were all very courteous, friendly and attentive. Everybody had the welcoming smile on their lovely faces.

Special KUDOS go to Store Manager Armando who welcomed us warmly and Chef Ryan for laboriously preparing our hearty treats! And cheers to Manilyn and Aida for ensuring we had all that we need.

Certified Goto and Pares lovers may find the Goto Tendon prices a little steep. But don't be fooled with what you see. Their meat are obviuosly of high-quality and all ingredients are sourced only from reliable suppliers. Some items in the menu like GOTO, MAMI & LOMI are already good for sharing.

Goto Tendon caters to a limited market. Well, for now. Those people who would spend a little more to enjoy great food. I suggest they'd have affordable meals like Value Meals or 99ers perhaps. I'd like to think the masses wouldn't mind splurging once in a while.

During our visit, I saw families and barkadas come in droves. I guess Set or Group Meals and drinks in pitchers will be more pocket-friendly.

If I were to summarize my Goto Tendon dining experience in one statement, it'll be "GOTO and PARES LEVELLED-UP!" Goto Tendon upped the goto and pares "eating game" notches higher. Tastier. Best Ingredients. More sanitary. More comfortable. What more can anyone ask for?

Rewarding ourselves with Good Food is not a luxury anymore. A Great Job deserves Great Food!

created by fildunsky

Created by fildunskyVote for @good-karma witness


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