Vienna A place to Live

Hi fellows today i will present you Part I of our trip to the capital city of Austria, Vienna. It is really a place to live and that was our feeling after staying there for 2.5 days. When we came back we searched internet for various statistics and our belief proved to be correct.

Vienna has been awarded the first place for many years in the annual "Quality of living" survey among hundreds of cities around the world (survey contacted from human-resource-consulting firm Mercer).

And you can definitely feel this vibe when you walk in the city, you really enjoy it, city is super clean and safe. But ...... there is always a but .... as a tourist i would say Austria is not something top, you can go around to visit its landmarks in a max of 2 days. Maybe we were a bit bored as comparison was inevitable ....... we traveled to Austria (by train) from Italy!! So you can understand that there is no comparison between Rome - Florence - Venice and Vienna when it comes to touristic attractions.

Of course if it happens to be your first trip or you love Kings, Palaces then this is the place. Vienna is not only the city of music but has many Baroque castles with lovable gardens where you can admire old age architecture. For me the best was Shonbrunn with its amazing gardens and traditional Gloriette built on the hill besides the palace.

Ancient Greek architecture is all over the city and you can see sculptures of ancient Greek Gods even outside Austrian Parliament, i was feeling somehow being at home.

This is Shonbrunn


Gloriette with it amazing view over the palace and part of the city




The gardens of the palace



And of course outside palace who is there for a WELCOME? Mr Mozart


That day we were lucky to see an old cars and motorcycles parade, we really enjoyed this flashback to 19th century




To be continued ........... and dont forget to support newbies

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